Útero in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

útero = womb ; uterus [uteri/uteruses, -pl.]. 

Example: In this passage, the tunnels with caverns inside them are surrogates for the womb.Example: The book also explains how twins begin and describes how a fetus gets food and air and how the growing baby kicks and hiccups inside the uterus.


» cáncer de úterocervical cancer .

Example: Employers should take a preventive role in protecting women's general health, for example, screening women workers for cervical cancer.

» cuello del úterocervix [cervices/cervixes, -pl.]cervix uteriuterine neckuterine cervix .

Example: The questions concerned primary prevention (alcohol, smoking, diet, sun exposure, etc.) and cancer screening (breast, cervix, colorectal, prostate and other cancers).

Example: Cancer of cervix uteri is the second commonest cancer among females in the world.

Example: The stomach, being intimately connected with the womb, physically, feels keenly these inflammations and ulcerations of the uterine neck.

Example: Both incidence and mortality for invasive cancer of the uterine cervix have declined steadily in this country over the past three decades.

» del cuello del úterocervical .

Example: This study aims to quantify the variation in cervical morphology between ewes.

» del úterouterine .

Example: Abnormal uterine bleeding is experienced by most women at sometime during their reproductive years.

» el cuello del úterothe neck of the uterus .

Example: The cervix forms the neck of the uterus, and the vagina is the canal through which conception and birth take place.

» fibroma del úterouterine fibroid .

Example: The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown, but hormones are believed to play an important role.

» leiomioma del úterouterine leiomyoma .

Example: Uterine leiomyomas, the most common benign tumors in women, are also known as myomas, fibromyomas, or fibroids.

Útero synonyms

womb in spanish: matriz, pronunciation: wum part of speech: noun
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