Éxito in english


pronunciation: səkses part of speech: noun
In gestures

éxito = achievement ; success ; triumph ; boom ; popularity ; accomplishment. 

Example: All SLIS heads co-operated willingly, discussing their problems, difficulties and achievements candidly and critically.Example: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.Example: One of the real triumphs of cataloging is that cataloging rules based on Charles Ammi Cutter's work of a century ago have been effective over such a very long time.Example: The article 'The electronic boom: a gamble or a sure bet?' considers the threat of the new technology to the future of newspapers.Example: The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.Example: At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.


» asegurar el éxitoensure + success .

Example: As stated earlier, the purposes to which cases can be put vary almost without limit, and there is no 'correct' technique for using them, no formula to be offered to ensure success.

» camino seguro al éxitoblueprint for success .

Example: While her findings are not necessarily a blueprint for success, they do provide a glimpse into characteristics that successful people share.

» caso con éxitosuccess story .

Example: There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

» clave del éxitokey success factor .

Example: It is the quality of the collection, rather than its quantity, that is the key success factor.

» colmado de éxitoscrowned with + success .

Example: Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.

» con éxitosuccessfulsuccessfullywinninglyhit .

Example: Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.

Example: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.

Example: However, while her material is bleak she concentrates winningly on female friendship.

Example: A hit event doesn't mean your work is done -- you need to follow up with customers, who have attended the event.

» con mucho éxitowith a wide appeal .

Example: The good novelist is therefore an author with a wide appeal but this wide appeal is not attained, or even sought, through a dilution of quality; it is simply that this type of writer has a different sort of skill.

» conseguir éxitoachieve + success .

Example: Some success was achieved in 1851 by boiling straw in caustic soda and mixing it with rag stock, but the resulting paper was still of poor quality and was little used by printers.

» conseguir éxitos y fracasosencounter + problems and successes .

Example: This article describes the problems and successes encountered in the use of an interactive video system for teaching basic library research skills.

» conseguir un éxito inesperadobring off + a couppull off + a coup .

Example: This documentary has brought off a coup in persuading Carol to speak for the first time about her relationship with the painter.

Example: Every once in a while, someone in business pulls off a coup that just makes you want to stand and applaud.

» cumbre del éxito, lapinnacle of success, the .

Example: Although sport has reached the pinnacle of success, there remain serious questions regarding the role it plays in education.

» de éxitosuccessful .

Example: Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.

» de éxito aseguradosure-fire [surefire] .

Example: For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.

» de éxito garantizadosure-fire [surefire] .

Example: For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.

» de éxito segurosure-fire [surefire] .

Example: For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.

» de gran éxito comercialhigh selling .

Example: Many high selling products eventually see a drop in sales and eventual discontinuation, usually after being superseded by a superior product.

» de un gran éxito comercialbest selling [bestselling/best-selling]top-selling .

Example: Similarly, Nicholas Meyer's best-selling 'Seven Percent Solution' includes interesting characters.

Example: Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.

» de un gran éxito de ventasbest selling [bestselling/best-selling]top-selling .

Example: Similarly, Nicholas Meyer's best-selling 'Seven Percent Solution' includes interesting characters.

Example: Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.

» el dulce aroma del éxitothe sweet smell of success .

Example: Despite difficult economic times, the shop is prospering, enjoying -- again, if you'll pardon the expression -- the sweet smell of success.

» el éxito genera éxitosuccess breeds success (SBS) [En bibliometría, principio utilizado para explicar el hecho de que cierto tipo acontecimientos tiendan a ocurrir siempre en el mismo contexto] .

Example: Success breeds success (SBS) principle, also called Cumulative Advantage is an important model for the explanation of the distribution of items over sources.

» el éxito llama al éxitosuccess breeds success (SBS) [En bibliometría, principio utilizado para explicar el hecho de que cierto tipo acontecimientos tiendan a ocurrir siempre en el mismo contexto]nothing succeeds like success .

Example: Success breeds success (SBS) principle, also called Cumulative Advantage is an important model for the explanation of the distribution of items over sources.

Example: As it is said nothing succeeds like success and the ladder of success is never crowded the top.

» el próximo gran éxitothe next big thing .

Example: It's been a while since pop-music writers have heaped praise on a blues guitarist as the next big thing.

» escalera del éxito, lasuccess ladder, theladder of success, the .

Example: You will know it when you realize that being on the 'success ladder' doesn't contribute anything to your self-satisfaction.

Example: As it is said nothing succeeds like success and the ladder of success is never crowded the top.

» evaluar el éxito de Algogauge + the success of .

Example: The commercial success of a book must always be gauged according to the expectations of the publisher.

» éxito absolutoaward-winning success .

Example: I would like to give a huge THANX to all of the wonderful people who contributed to our site, and helped make it an incredible, international, award-winning success.

» éxito académicoacademic success .

Example: This experience put him on the right track for future academic success.

» éxito aplastantethumping success .

Example: Their quilted jackets are a thumping success as they not only look trendy but are very comfortable as well.

» éxito artísticoartistic success .

Example: In that case it is, at its level, both a commercial and artistic success, since the publishers do not expect every book to be a runaway bestseller.

» éxito clamorosotriumphant success .

Example: The show, with its mixture of catchy songs and slick choreography, was a triumphant success.

» éxito comercialcommercial successfinancial success .

Example: In that case it is, at its level, both a commercial and artistic success, since the publishers do not expect every book to be a runaway bestseller.

Example: The paperback shelves in many retail outlets are stocked with books which, in spite of their print-runs, may or may not be a financial success.

» éxito contundenteroaring successthumping successrecord successaward-winning success .

Example: From the beginning the library was a roaring success; 10,000 readers registered before it even opened = Desde el comienzo la biblioteca tuvo un éxito contundente: 10.000 lectores se habían inscrito incluso antes de abrir.

Example: Their quilted jackets are a thumping success as they not only look trendy but are very comfortable as well.

Example: Despite threatening skies and warm temperatures, the 20th annual Festival in Sycamore enjoyed record success.

Example: I would like to give a huge THANX to all of the wonderful people who contributed to our site, and helped make it an incredible, international, award-winning success.

» éxito demostradoproven success .

Example: Each of these strategies is a proven success and examples of their use are provided.

» éxito de públicoblockbuster  .

Example: The article is entitled 'ASIS meeting 'celebrates change' with blockbuster success'.

» éxito destacadosignal success .

Example: The Gulf War was a signal success of American foreign policy.

» éxito de taquillablockbuster  ; box-office hitbox-office success .

Example: The article is entitled 'ASIS meeting 'celebrates change' with blockbuster success'.

Example: Judging from the top ten box-office hits of all time, computer-generated special effects seem to be an essential part of a blockbuster.

Example: There's a difference between the legendary star she portrays herself to be and her actual box-office success.

» éxito editorialblockbuster  .

Example: Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés? = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» éxito inmediatoinstant success .

Example: We live in a culture of instant success.

» éxito instantáneoinstant success .

Example: We live in a culture of instant success.

» éxito repentinoovernight success .

Example: Making customers aware of these products will be a gradual process and not on overnight success.

» éxito repentino y totalflush of success .

Example: The flush of success with AACR1 gave the code compilers and cataloguers the confidence to criticise the new code with the object of further refining it.

» éxito rotundoresounding successaward-winning successrecord successroaring successthumping success .

Example: On balance, the library booth at the exhibition was a resounding success.

Example: I would like to give a huge THANX to all of the wonderful people who contributed to our site, and helped make it an incredible, international, award-winning success.

Example: Despite threatening skies and warm temperatures, the 20th annual Festival in Sycamore enjoyed record success.

Example: From the beginning the library was a roaring success; 10,000 readers registered before it even opened = Desde el comienzo la biblioteca tuvo un éxito contundente: 10.000 lectores se habían inscrito incluso antes de abrir.

Example: Their quilted jackets are a thumping success as they not only look trendy but are very comfortable as well.

» éxito señaladosignal success .

Example: The Gulf War was a signal success of American foreign policy.

» éxitos o fracasossuccesses or failures .

Example: A questionnaire was developed and circulated to solicit information on current documentation, programmes, notable events, and successes or failures.

» éxito sonadoresounding success .

Example: On balance, the library booth at the exhibition was a resounding success.

» éxitos y fracasospitfalls and successessuccesses and failures .

Example: Techniques of searching including common pitfalls and successes are also discussed.

Example: This article identifies system suppliers, currently active in the UK, and details their successes and failures over a 3 year period.

» éxito taquilleroblockbuster  .

Example: The article is entitled 'ASIS meeting 'celebrates change' with blockbuster success'.

» éxito totalrecord successroaring successthumping success .

Example: Despite threatening skies and warm temperatures, the 20th annual Festival in Sycamore enjoyed record success.

Example: From the beginning the library was a roaring success; 10,000 readers registered before it even opened = Desde el comienzo la biblioteca tuvo un éxito contundente: 10.000 lectores se habían inscrito incluso antes de abrir.

Example: Their quilted jackets are a thumping success as they not only look trendy but are very comfortable as well.

» explotar con éxitoparlay .

Example: In today's instant reaction culture, celebrities are finding more and more ways to parlay their fame into fortunes.

» fórmula del éxitoformula for successrecipe for success .

Example: It was bound to happen, and the formula for success has been laid down.

Example: After all, the chance to indulge in life's pleasures and do a little good at the same time is a recipe for success -- no matter how you slice it.

» fórmula para el éxitoblueprint for success .

Example: While her findings are not necessarily a blueprint for success, they do provide a glimpse into characteristics that successful people share.

» garantizar el éxitoguarantee + successensure + success .

Example: It is not only political decision making that guarantee the success of firms in the European single market.

Example: As stated earlier, the purposes to which cases can be put vary almost without limit, and there is no 'correct' technique for using them, no formula to be offered to ensure success.

» gente con éxitosuccessful people .

Example: While her findings are not necessarily a blueprint for success, they do provide a glimpse into characteristics that successful people share.

» gente con éxito, lassuccessful, the .

Example: That's why they're such brown-noses and kiss-asses to the successful and so hard on the unsuccessful.

» gente de éxitosuccessful people .

Example: While her findings are not necessarily a blueprint for success, they do provide a glimpse into characteristics that successful people share.

» gente sin éxito, launsuccessful, the .

Example: That's why they're such brown-noses and kiss-asses to the successful and so hard on the unsuccessful.

» gran éxitobiggie .

Example: Trophies captured from the Nazis, as well as personal belongings of such biggies as Stalin also feature in this section of the war museum.

» hacer que Algo sea un éxitomake + Nombre + a hit .

Example: The article is entitled 'Making our web site a hit'.

» historial de éxitostrack record of success .

Example: Individuals at this level will have a demonstrated track record of successes with in-depth and expert knowledge in a number of areas.

» hombre con éxitosuccessful man .

Example: Groucho Marx once said, 'Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife'.

» hombre de éxitosuccessful manmade man .

Example: Groucho Marx once said, 'Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife'.

Example: At the end of the journey, once you become a made man, you can look back and find meaning in the suffering you had to go through to get there.

» índice de éxitosuccess rate .

Example: This article traces the development of the system, discusses the way it works, and its success rate = Este artículo describe el desarrollo del sistema, cómo funciona y su índice de éxito.

» la seducción del éxitothe sweet smell of successthe sweet smell of success .

Example: Despite difficult economic times, the shop is prospering, enjoying -- again, if you'll pardon the expression -- the sweet smell of success.

Example: Despite difficult economic times, the shop is prospering, enjoying -- again, if you'll pardon the expression -- the sweet smell of success.

» las mieles del éxitothe sweet smell of success .

Example: Despite difficult economic times, the shop is prospering, enjoying -- again, if you'll pardon the expression -- the sweet smell of success.

» lista de éxitoschart .

Example: Radio Mirchi continues to top the daily listenership charts in Delhi, and is also ahead of the pack in Kolkata, the company said in a statement.

» lista de éxitos de la cartelera de espectáculosBillboard chart .

Example: However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.

» lista de éxitos, lacharts, the .

Example: It confirms that Handel's Dead March was at the top of the charts for military funerals at that time.

» lleno de éxitoscrowned with + success .

Example: Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.

» lograr un éxito inesperadobring off + a couppull off + a coup .

Example: This documentary has brought off a coup in persuading Carol to speak for the first time about her relationship with the painter.

Example: Every once in a while, someone in business pulls off a coup that just makes you want to stand and applaud.

» mujer con éxitosuccessful woman .

Example: 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added = "Detrás de cada mujer exitosa hay un hombre asombrado", añadió.

» mujer de éxitosuccessful woman .

Example: 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added = "Detrás de cada mujer exitosa hay un hombre asombrado", añadió.

» no tener éxitobe unsuccessfulcome up with + nothingprove + unsuccessfulhave + no joy .

Example: Alex Wilson sides with the librarians who say 'concentrate your book service first and foremost on existing users because expenditure on attracting those with a low motivation is much more costly and likely to be mostly unsuccessful'.

Example: I tried to search D-Lib Magazine for distributed proofreading, but came up with nothing.

Example: Attempts were made to relate post-doctoral research to pre-doctoral research and experience, but these proved unsuccessful.

Example: I just like challenges, especially with problem-solving on vehicles when others have had a try but no joy.

» obtener éxitoachieve + success .

Example: Some success was achieved in 1851 by boiling straw in caustic soda and mixing it with rag stock, but the resulting paper was still of poor quality and was little used by printers.

» obtener éxitos y fracasosexperience + problems and successes .

Example: This article describes the problems and successes experienced by the Central Library of the Miskolc Technical University for Heavy Industry, Hungary, in extending their sources of acquisitions.

» persona con éxitosuccessful person .

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» persona de éxitosuccessful person .

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» personas con éxito, lassuccessful, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]successful, the .

Example: There is no doubt that this scheme deserves to succeed, but we live in a harsh world, where success tends to go to the successful rather than to the deserving, and one can only reserve judgement for the next few years.

Example: That's why they're such brown-noses and kiss-asses to the successful and so hard on the unsuccessful.

» personas sin éxito, lasunsuccessful, the .

Example: That's why they're such brown-noses and kiss-asses to the successful and so hard on the unsuccessful.

» pináculo del éxito, elpinnacle of success, the .

Example: Although sport has reached the pinnacle of success, there remain serious questions regarding the role it plays in education.

» plan + tener éxitoplan + come through .

Example: And those rays could soon power thousands of homes if plans for a large solar power station come through.

» porcentaje de éxitosuccess rate .

Example: This article traces the development of the system, discusses the way it works, and its success rate = Este artículo describe el desarrollo del sistema, cómo funciona y su índice de éxito.

» posibilidades de éxitoodds of success .

Example: Though the proportion of ads that 'go viral' in any meaningful way is small, it is possible to increase your odds of success.

» probabilidades de éxitoodds of success .

Example: Though the proportion of ads that 'go viral' in any meaningful way is small, it is possible to increase your odds of success.

» receta del éxitoformula for successrecipe for success .

Example: It was bound to happen, and the formula for success has been laid down.

Example: After all, the chance to indulge in life's pleasures and do a little good at the same time is a recipe for success -- no matter how you slice it.

» resultar ser un éxitoprove + to be a success .

Example: The idea of having several indexes has not proved to be a success and has been dropped.

» secreto del éxitosecret of/for success .

Example: The secret of success is to have a pragmatic approach to the practical problems of data entry.

» ser el éxito de la fiestasteal + the limelight [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]steal + the showsteal + Posesivo + thundersteal + Posesivo + scenesteal + the spotlight [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto] .

Example: Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.

Example: The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.

Example: She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.

Example: But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.

Example: It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.

» ser la clave del éxitobe the key to successbe the ticket to success .

Example: The key to its success was the extensive cosultation with children.

Example: Every politician running for office in the November elections recognized that law-and-order demagoguery was the ticket to success.

» ser todo un éxitohit + a home runhit it out of + the parkknock it out of + the parkgo (over/off) with + a bangraise + the roofbring + the house down [También usado en este orden bring down the house, pero menos frecuentemente]be a huge successgo down + a storm .

Example: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.

Example: We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.

Example: It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.

Example: The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.

Example: It's impossible to know where her big voice comes from, but she raised the roof and earned a standing ovation.

Example: She brought the house down with her special blend of reggae, funk and R&B.

Example: This was a second year of collecting and recycling Christmas trees and it was a huge success.

Example: The new single was a bit of game-changer for us as a band and it went down a storm with the fans.

» ser un éxitoprove + trumpsprove + a successcome up + a treatgo down + a treat .

Example: This new software will prove trumps for Microsoft = Este nuevo software será un éxito para Microsoft.

Example: Self-renewal has proved a success, reducing queues and reducing pressure on staff; but the take-up of self-issue has been disappointing.

Example: The window frames appeared to have not seen the light of day for over 50 years and were totally caked in dirt -- although with some elbow grease the window came up a treat.

Example: After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.

» ser un éxito tremendogo (over/off) with + a bang .

Example: The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.

» ser un paso intermedio hacia el éxitobe a stepping stone to success .

Example: We all know that we can learn from mistakes, that failures or setbacks are stepping stones to success.

» significar el éxitospell + success .

Example: The decisions to be made and the plans to be developed do not necessarily represent crisis or even spell success or failure for the library.

» sin éxitounsuccessfulno joy .

Example: Hundreds of unsuccessful children's books are written by practising mothers and only a few are lucky enough to have their work published.

Example: I've tried several things I've read about in the forum but still no joy.

» subir la escalera del éxitoclimb (up) + the success ladderclimb (up) + the ladder of successmove up + the ladder of success .

Example: She wanted to climb the success ladder on her own merits of intellect and ability.

Example: You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket.

Example: Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it.

» suponer la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracasomake or break .

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

» tener el éxito aseguradobe home and drybe home free .

Example: The advantage with rice as a crop is that you don't apply fertilizer to it; once you plant, you are home and dry -- not bothered until harvest time.

Example: If she makes it for a year without a relapse, there's a good chance she'll be home free.

» tener éxitoachieve + successbe successfulget + anywhereprove + successfulsucceedattain + appealbe a successfind + successcome up + trumpsprove + trumpstake offmeet with + successhit + the big timebe populargo + strongbring + home the baconbecome + popularhave + successmake itbe a hit .

Example: Some success was achieved in 1851 by boiling straw in caustic soda and mixing it with rag stock, but the resulting paper was still of poor quality and was little used by printers.

Example: For a scheme to be successful in the long term it is vital that there should be an organisational structure to support the scheme.

Example: The storyteller has in fact to be something of a showman, a performer, before he gets anywhere.

Example: In Germany, Hitler's propaganda machine was proving alarmingly successful.

Example: Had this venture succeeded, the complete face of bibliographical control today would have been different.

Example: The good novelist is therefore an author with a wide appeal but this wide appeal is not attained, or even sought, through a dilution of quality; it is simply that this type of writer has a different sort of skill.

Example: The idea of having several indexes has not proved to be a success and has been dropped.

Example: During the 1980s, due to technology like cable and pay per view, wrestling increased its visibility and found some mainstream success.

Example: The article 'Clumps come up trumps' reviews four clump projects now at the end of their funding period = El artículo "Los catálogos colectivos virtuales triunfan' analiza cuatro proyectos sobre catálogos colectivos virtuales que se encuentran al final de su período de financiación.

Example: This new software will prove trumps for Microsoft = Este nuevo software será un éxito para Microsoft.

Example: But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.

Example: Consumers appear to complain largely when they believe their efforts were likely to meet with success.

Example: The word 'humongous' first darted onto the linguistic stage only about 1968 but hit the big time almost immediately and has been with us ever since.

Example: The arrangement of two rotors side by side was never very popular.

Example: At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.

Example: Offensively, the fella who's brought home the bacon in the last two games is Brent Egbert.

Example: As soon as Tintin started to become popular, after the war, the idea of taking his adventures to the big screen came up.

Example: After their new product gained popularity, local and foreign companies jumped in the new sales pool and had success with similar products.

Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.

Example: Overall, the event was a hit among attendees, who completed an evaluation before departing.

» tener éxito en el mundosucceed in + the world .

Example: You must be a bit sly sometimes to succeed in the world.

» tener éxito en la vidasucceed in + lifeget on in + life .

Example: The most famous person to drop out of college who still succeeded in life is no doubt Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Example: He believed that, to get on in life, you just needed to work fairly hard and be a nice guy.

» tener gran éxitohit + a home runhit it out of + the parkknock it out of + the park .

Example: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.

Example: We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.

Example: It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.

» tener mucho éxitohit + a home runhit it out of + the parkknock it out of + the parkride + high .

Example: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.

Example: We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.

Example: It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.

Example: By all rights, he should have died that day; instead, this super-energetic entrepreneur is riding high!.

» tener todo un éxitohit + a home runhit it out of + the parkknock it out of + the park .

Example: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.

Example: We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.

Example: It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.

» tener una trayectoria demostrada de éxitohave + a proven track record .

Example: She has a proven track record in dealing with cases involving major spinal injury in cases of the utmost severity.

» tener un éxito roturnotake + Nombre + by storm .

Example: He was a confident, unspoiled, talented, hard-working young man when he moved to a strange town as a youngster and took it by storm.

» tener un gran éxitomake it + big .

Example: They are in a race to make a fast buck and make it big.

» tener un historial demostrado de éxitohave + a proven track record .

Example: She has a proven track record in dealing with cases involving major spinal injury in cases of the utmost severity.

» traer consigo el éxitospell + success .

Example: The decisions to be made and the plans to be developed do not necessarily represent crisis or even spell success or failure for the library.

» traer el éxitospell + success .

Example: The decisions to be made and the plans to be developed do not necessarily represent crisis or even spell success or failure for the library.

» trayectoria de éxitostrack record of success .

Example: Individuals at this level will have a demonstrated track record of successes with in-depth and expert knowledge in a number of areas.

» trepar la escalera del éxitoclimb (up) + the success ladderclimb (up) + the ladder of successmove up + the ladder of success .

Example: She wanted to climb the success ladder on her own merits of intellect and ability.

Example: You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket.

Example: Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it.

Éxito synonyms

winner in spanish: ganador, pronunciation: wɪnɜr part of speech: noun achiever in spanish: triunfador, pronunciation: ətʃivɜr part of speech: noun
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