Ético in english


pronunciation: eθəkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ético = ethical. 

Example: It doesn't seem ethical to me that a person should accept a job and leave after a month and a half.


» código éticocode of ethicsethical code .

Example: This article discusses the basis for a new code of ethics for librarians with reference to earlier ideas about virtues and vices for librarians.

Example: It shows us that the underbelly of human nature and its curiosity for things that are taboo is stronger than any moral or ethical code.

» comportamiento éticoethical conductethical behaviour .

Example: The author identifies the historical, moral and philosophical underpinnings of ethical conduct.

Example: This paper examines the self-interested reasons that businesses can have for ethical behavior.

» cuestión éticaethical issue .

Example: The author explains the importance of the ethical, legal and societal issues raised by the emerging information society.

» de forma poco éticaunethically .

Example: It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.

» de maneraunethically .

Example: It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.

» dilema éticoethical dilemma .

Example: Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.

» ética comercialbusiness ethics .

Example: This article focuses on the business ethic and its encroaching influence in not-for-profit organizations like most libraries.

» falta de ética profesionalmisconduct  ; professional misconductunethical behaviourunethical conductunprofessional conductmalpractice [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]professional malpracticemisfeasance  .

Example: Misconduct in research and publication have led to a loss in public confidence in science and publications = La falta de ética profesional en la investigación y publicación ha llevado a una pérdida de confianza por parte del público en la ciencia y en las publicaciones.

Example: Malpractice may be defined as any professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill in the performance of professional duties through intentional carelessness or simple ignorance.

Example: The pressure to publish leads to unethical behaviour by researchers producing wasteful publication in order to remain visible.

Example: A chapter on adequate cause for dismissal addresses incompetency, neglect of duty, insubordination, and immoral or unethical conduct.

Example: This section concerns issues of disciplinary proceedings, determination of good moral character in the professions, and unprofessional conduct.

Example: Malpractice may be defined as any professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill in the performance of professional duties through intentional carelessness or simple ignorance.

Example: If you suspect that you are a victim of professional malpractice, it is imperative to hire an intrepid advocate who can put right the wrong done to you.

Example: Successful misfeasance cases against office-holders are unusual.

» obligación éticaethical obligation .

Example: This article maintains that archivists as custodians of the records have an ethical obligation to support the freest possible access to public records.

» poco éticounethical .

Example: Librarians are more likely than vendors to engage in unethical behaviour.

» por razones éticason moral grounds .

Example: Some pharmacists, however, disagree and refuse on moral grounds to fill prescriptions for contraceptives.

» principio éticomoral principle .

Example: First, they attempt to illustrate how moral principles or maxims might be most fruitfully applied or interpreted in concrete circumstances.

» seguir el camino más éticotake + the high groundtake + the high road .

Example: We have something to gain by taking the high ground but you have to be conscious that appearing respectable and proper can come across as elitist.

Example: Of course her initial reaction was to blow her lid, but she didn't -- instead she took the high road and simply just left.

» sistema éticoethical system .

Example: Most of the ethical systems that have been devised by humans have some conception of what Christianity thinks of as the straight and narrow.

» valor éticoethical value .

Example: The role of ethical values in the profession, particularly in the practice of online reference, has been misconstrued.

Ético synonyms

right in spanish: Correcto, pronunciation: raɪt part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb moral in spanish: moral, pronunciation: mɔrəl part of speech: adjective honorable in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective honourable in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective
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