Época in english


pronunciation: taɪm part of speech: noun
In gestures

época = era ; epoch ; age ; period ; time. 

Example: Thus, as we stand on the threshold of what is undoubtedly a new era in catalog control, it is worth considering to what extent the traditional services of the Library will continue in the forms now available.Example: The epoch of management inquiry and research has largely developed during this century, and many schools of thought have tried to formulate the underlying principles of management.Example: He was a frank elitist living in an age of rampant equalitarianism.Example: Library use declines during the June-October period when examinations have finished and the students are on vacation.Example: The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.


» adelantado a su épocaahead of + Posesivo + time(s) .

Example: Again, the idea shows that Brown was ahead of his times.

» adelantarse a + Posesivo + épocabe in advance of + Posesivo + timebe before + Posesivo + timebe years ahead of + Posesivo + time .

Example: However since they were so much in advance of their time they didn't sell well and are gathering dust somewhere.

Example: He was before his time in teaching them to think for themselves rather than cram facts in order to pass exams.

Example: Dewey was years ahead of his time in making some notational provision for this.

» anormal para la época del añounseasonably .

Example: While the rain poured down, the course never became unplayable because of unseasonably dry weather over the winter in San Diego.

» atípico para la época del añounseasonably .

Example: While the rain poured down, the course never became unplayable because of unseasonably dry weather over the winter in San Diego.

» coche de épocavintage car .

Example: Displays which take a theme approach, for example wild flowers, vintage cars, railways, and gather together material from different places in the library, can be useful in drawing attention to specific aspects of a library's resources.

» de aquella épocathen-currentof the periodof the time(s) .

Example: However, we will honor any long term contracts at the then-current rate.

Example: The stereotype of the governess as exemplified in Jane Eyre -- intelligent, restrained, soberly clad -- was the predecessor of the librarian as an occupation in which the women of the period, the 'guardians of morality' could find genteel employment.

Example: Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.

» de épocavintage .

Example: When she discovered vintage comics and their lurid covers, she went nuts.

» de esa épocaof the periodthen-current .

Example: The stereotype of the governess as exemplified in Jane Eyre -- intelligent, restrained, soberly clad -- was the predecessor of the librarian as an occupation in which the women of the period, the 'guardians of morality' could find genteel employment.

Example: However, we will honor any long term contracts at the then-current rate.

» de la épocaof the time(s)of the dayof the era .

Example: Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.

Example: With their rudimentary visuals and sub-par writing, the comics of the day were nothing more than gags and cheap laughs.

Example: One of the most famous lawman of all time, Wyatt Earp was also an accomplished gunslinger who was greatly feared by the outlaws of the era.

» de la época isabelinaElizabethan .

Example: Elizabethan and Jacobean manuscripts were sketchily punctuated, if at all.

» de la época victorianaVictorian .

Example: Housed in a Victorian mansion, the library is used most often by new homeowners researching the history of their house.

» demasiado benigno para la época del añounseasonably mild .

Example: A cold front will approach the region today with increasing clouds as the day progresses and unseasonably mild temperatures.

» demasiado caluroso para la época del añounseasonably warm .

Example: Winds arriving from the south are expected to bring unseasonably warm temperatures followed by rain in some areas.

» demasiado frío para la época del añounseasonably cold .

Example: Thanks to a cold front that pushed its way into the region overnight, we're looking at unseasonably cold temperatures over the next week.

» demasiado suave para la época del añounseasonably mild .

Example: A cold front will approach the region today with increasing clouds as the day progresses and unseasonably mild temperatures.

» de + Posesivo + épocaof + Posesivo + day .

Example: This is not the way for many wishy-washy persons who have never considered Cutter, probably one of the greatest librarians of his day.

» desde la época de/cuandosince the days of/when .

Example: Even so, school library provision has been improved and increased out of all recognition since the days when only the long established grammar schools and public schools had libraries of their own.

» desde la época medievalsince mediaeval times .

Example: Wattle fences, traditionally made from willow, have been in use since medieval times.

» desde la época prehistóricasince prehistoric times .

Example: Mud brick has been one of the principal building materials in Egypt since prehistoric times.

» desde su épocasince + Posesivo + day .

Example: Carlyle has been dead nearly a hundred years, but many an academic would like to agree with Carlyle even if, perhaps, universities have changed rather a lot since his day.

» de su épocaof + Posesivo + time .

Example: The archives of mediaeval universities are sparse and fragmented, in sharp contrast with the fact that these institutions were among the most regulated, structured and stable of their time.

» de una época anteriorvestigial .

Example: Oysters were a vital standby to many working people in Europe before pollution all but wiped them out, while cockles, whelks, and winkles marinated in vinegar live on as vestigial delicacies.

» drama de épocacostume dramaperiod drama .

Example: During the 1950s, 156 colour films were produced and released, of which 58 were costume dramas (37 per cent).

Example: Period dramas can be a tough sell, especially to younger viewers.

» el espíritu de la épocathe spirit of the times .

Example: These letters all reflect the spirit of the times and of this newlywed immigrant couple from America.

» en aquella épocaat the timeat that timein those days .

Example: At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.

Example: At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers = En aquel entonces una biblioteca de tan sólo una habitación atendía al Tribunal de Apelaciones, la Corte Suprema, los jueces, magistrados y abogados de †frica occidental.

Example: In those days there was often more than one piper.

» en cualquier época del añoany time of the year .

Example: Some of you may think waiting lines are only long during the holidays, but retailers know the checkout line can be long any time of the year.

» en época de pazin peacetimeduring peacetime .

Example: The report literature medium is now also an established form of communication in peacetime = Los informes son también ahora una forma consolidada de comunicación en tiempos de paz.

Example: The concept of 'operational readiness' refers to the training required by Navy personnel during peacetime to perform wartime missions.

» en épocas anterioresin former timesin past eras .

Example: Because enumerative bibliography was not always the well organized craft it has now become many retrospective bibliographies produced in former times must be regarded with suspicion.

Example: The needs of today's information users place demands on our information services far more acute than were normal in past eras.

» en épocas dein times of .

Example: In times of financial restraint, library services to children and young adults are reduced disproportionately to services for adults.

» en época(s) de crisisduring times of crisisin times of crisis .

Example: Neighbours can be a real godsend during times of crisis.

Example: These trust funds will enable EU countries to pool resources to provide coordinated and prompt financial assistance in times of crisis.

» en épocas de guerrain time(s) of war .

Example: In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.

» en épocas de pazin time(s) of peace .

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» en épocas de prosperidad económicain affluent times .

Example: This worked well in affluent times, but as a result of inflation, Denmark, like all the Western nations, has had to cut back spendind.

» en épocas difícilesin times of needin times of difficult(y/ies) .

Example: Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.

Example: In times of difficulty we long for something beyond the here and now, beyond the day-to-day, beyond what we can see.

» en épocas pasadasin past ages .

Example: Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.

» en esta época del añoaround this time of yearat this time of (the) year .

Example: Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.

Example: At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.

» en la época de posguerrain the postwar period .

Example: The author discusses the disillusion she developed with Italian politics and its failure to deliver properly funded nationwide public library system for Italy in the postwar period.

» en la época en queback in the days when .

Example: Back in the days when archaeology was a developing discipline, it was -- ike so many things -- dominated by men.

» en la época prehistóricain prehistoric times .

Example: A number of discoveries made around the world indicate that sophisticated surgery was very often performed in prehistoric times.

» en la misma épocacontemporaneously .

Example: Vernon Tate did a publicity job similar to Peter Record's for the improvement of American thesis bibliography more or less contemporaneously with him.

» en + Posesivo + épocain + Posesivo + time .

Example: His writings on cataloguing and bibliography may serve as a fundamental basis for those who wish to understand the approaches to these topics in his time.

» en una épocaat one time .

Example: At one time -- not so very long ago -- it used to be regarded as one of the luxuries of the rich to have fruits and vegetables out of season.

» en una época dein a period of .

Example: We may indeed be in a period of cooling worldwide temperatures that could last another 10-20 years.

» en una época de transiciónin a period of transition .

Example: The message is, of course, that we are always in a period of transition and have been from the beginning of time.

» en una época en dondein an age where .

Example: In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» época anglosajona, laAnglo-Saxon times .

Example: In Britain, death by hanging was the principal form of execution from Anglo-Saxon times until capital punishment was suspended in 1964.

» época clásica, laclassical age, the .

Example: The classical age of Greece ran from the Persian Wars to Phillip of Macedon and Alexander the Great.

» época colonialfrontier dayscolonial times .

Example: Becker takes the topic all the way back to the Coonskin Library and frontier days.

Example: In colonial times, and residually in so-called postcolonial times, the knowledge of Indigenous peoples occupied the realm of the 'primitive', an obstacle to progress along the path to modern civilisation and was largely ignored or suppressed.

» época de carestíaperiod of shortagetime of shortage .

Example: Prices of natural gas and other fossil fuels spike during periods of shortage, causing hikes in electricity rate.

Example: It was considered gauche to be showy during a time of shortage.

» época de críabreeding season .

Example: Larks living in areas with long breeding seasons can have two or three clutches, while those in areas with a short window of time for breeding will have only one.

» época del añoseason .

Example: At first limited to the summer, tourism now flourishes in every season.

» época de la siembra, lasowing season, the .

Example: By the spring of 1960. during the sowing season, I was a bag of bones.

» época del celoruttingrutting seasonmating season .

Example: During rutting, the temperament of the animal changes to a more aggressive and less tractable nature.

Example: During the rutting season, they are used to fend off other males in an attempt to gather a harem of females to breed with.

Example: Mating season begins, with males of most species using special mating calls to attract females, which can include purrs, clicks, and buzzing.

» época de lluviasrainy season .

Example: On the other hand, places on or near the coast have two rainy seasons with maximum rainfall in May or June and again in October.

» época del parto de las ovejas, lalambing season, the .

Example: If you're pregnant or think you might be pregnant, avoid close contact with sheep during the lambing season, which runs from January to April.

» época de parición de las ovejas, lalambing season, the .

Example: If you're pregnant or think you might be pregnant, avoid close contact with sheep during the lambing season, which runs from January to April.

» época de pazpeacetime [peace time] .

Example: The author examines the cultural and social aspects of war and the aftermath into peacetime.

» época de plantarplanting time .

Example: Spring is the most important planting time here in the west, and nurserymen are hard pressed for time to fill all the orders.

» época de reproducciónbreeding season .

Example: Larks living in areas with long breeding seasons can have two or three clutches, while those in areas with a short window of time for breeding will have only one.

» época de vacacionesholiday season .

Example: Ives Public Library, Cornwall, is heavily used by tourists in the holiday season.

» época doradaglory days .

Example: The author of 'Glory days or the lure of scientific misconduct' looks at fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in scientific research.

» época lluviosarainy season .

Example: On the other hand, places on or near the coast have two rainy seasons with maximum rainfall in May or June and again in October.

» época medievalmediaeval period [medieval period, -USA]mediaeval times [medieval times, -USA] .

Example: Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.

Example: Dubrovnik, Croatia, is a walled city, preserved as it existed in medieval times.

» época pasadabygone era .

Example: Others consist of historical buildings that have been preserved or restored to serve as reminders of bygone eras = Otros son edificios históricos que se han conservado y restaurado para servir como recuerdo de épocas pasadas.

» época postcolonialpost-colonial times .

Example: In colonial times, and residually in so-called postcolonial times, the knowledge of Indigenous peoples occupied the realm of the 'primitive', an obstacle to progress along the path to modern civilisation and was largely ignored or suppressed.

» época romana, laRoman times .

Example: The author describes libraries that were built during Roman times.

» épocas anterioresearlier times .

Example: Some people, particularly people of earlier times, and royalty, are not normally known by a surname.

» época universitariaschool days .

Example: Don't go to France thinking that your cherished ancient institution from your 50s/60s school days remains unchanged amid the splendour of its beautiful if dingy old digs.

» época victoriana, laVictorian Era, the .

Example: In the West bathing costumes for females were first designed in the 19th century both in America and Great Britain during the Victorian Era.

» esa época ya pasó hace tiempothat time is long past .

Example: There was a time, in US academia, when this was not possible, but that time is long past.

» hubo una época en la quethere was a time when .

Example: There was a time when they could actually influence things -- these days they're just barking at the moon hoping they're not in the next layoff.

» Inglaterra de la época victorianaVictorian England .

Example: The writer examines the employment of women in the gas stove industry in late Victorian England.

» la época de Algoin season .

Example: Athletes showed in-season improvements in academic performance.

» novela de épocaperiod novel .

Example: The symbol for easy reading historical and period novels would be F8a.

» para esta época del añofor the time of year .

Example: Wear appropriate footwear, and wear clothing appropriate for the time of year.

» para la época del añofor the time of year .

Example: Wear appropriate footwear, and wear clothing appropriate for the time of year.

» pasado + Posesivo + mejor épocapast + Posesivo + prime .

Example: The trustee was generally male, 'past his prime', white, Protestant, well educated, wealthy, a member of the social elite, and usually a member of a profession or a business executive.

» película de épocacostume film .

Example: She looked as if she were dressed up for a costume film, sitting in the shadow with her snood and her wedgies, a long-limbed, coltish girl in clothes a little too small for her.

» posterior a la época esclavistapost-slavery [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: The term 'colour bar' evokes the segregation of people on the basis of their 'race' as practiced in post-slavery United States and apartheid-era South Africa.

» primera época, laearly days, the .

Example: The new chemical was expensive, and in the early days it was often mishandled; much of the foxing of early nineteenth-century paper was due to inefficient bleaching.

» que hace épocaepoch-making .

Example: This project on electronic document delivery using radio links, if successful, could be epoch-making for third world libraries.

» que hizo épocaepochal .

Example: The solitary volume published remains to date a memorial of that epochal event.

» que marca épocalandmark .

Example: This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.

» ropa de épocavintage clothes .

Example: Jumble sales are great places to pick up hidden treasures like vintage clothes, designer cast offs and all sorts of quirky bric-a-brac for a fraction of their original price.

» ser la época debe in season [Generalmente, referido a la fruta y verdura]come into + season .

Example: Produce that is in season locally is cheaper, tastes better and has more nutrients.

Example: Curly lettuce is just coming into season now and makes a great summer salad for over the coming holidays.

» ser muy avanzado para + Posesivo + épocabe in advance of + Posesivo + time .

Example: However since they were so much in advance of their time they didn't sell well and are gathering dust somewhere.

» ser una buena épocabe a good time .

Example: November or early December is a good time because people have presents in mind for Christmas.

» tendencia de la época, latrend of the times, the .

Example: But if it fails to face up to the trend of the times and goes against it, it will be forsaken by history in the end.

» típico de la épocaolde quaynte [Ortografía del inglés medieval correspondiente hoy día a "old and quaint", usada para recalcar la idea de que lo que se describe es realmente "típico"] .

Example: In practice, the material chosen by this method consisted almost entirely of chivalric romances and ballads with 'olde quaynte' woodcuts.

» una época muy remotaa time long pasta time long ago .

Example: For many the wolf-whistle represents a time long past.

Example: I remember a time long ago when I thought I would never want to live anywhere except New York.

» una época ya pasadaa time long pasta time long ago .

Example: For many the wolf-whistle represents a time long past.

Example: I remember a time long ago when I thought I would never want to live anywhere except New York.

» vestido de épocaperiod costume .

Example: It was an interesting experience for Brie, as she was one of two people wearing a period costume.

Época synonyms

sentence in spanish: frase, pronunciation: sentəns part of speech: noun clock in spanish: reloj, pronunciation: klɑk part of speech: noun clip in spanish: acortar, pronunciation: klɪp part of speech: noun meter in spanish: metro, pronunciation: mitɜr part of speech: noun fourth dimension in spanish: cuarta dimensión, pronunciation: fɔrθdɪmenʃən part of speech: noun prison term in spanish: pena de prisión, pronunciation: prɪzəntɜrm part of speech: noun clock time in spanish: Hora del reloj, pronunciation: klɑktaɪm part of speech: noun
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