Ácido in english


pronunciation: æsəd part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

ácido = acid ; sour ; tart . 

Example: If the spot stays yellow the paper is decidedly acid; an in-between colour (green, grey, grey-green, yellow-green) indicates mild acidity; while if the spot goes purple, the paper is near-neutral or alkaline.Example: Throughout the book, the young are viewed with sour realism.Example: It was sweet but a bit tart and had me craving for more than one piece.


» ácido acéticoacetic acid .

Example: The 'vinegar syndrome' is the term used to describe the deterioration of the triacetate cellulose bases of safety films and sound tapes caused by the evaporation of acetic acid.

» ácido ascórbicoascorbic acid .

Example: Scurvy is a disease that occurs when you have a severe lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in your diet.

» ácido benzoicobenzoic acid .

Example: Organic chemical substances are actually produced with benzoic acid that acts as an essential chemical starter.

» ácido carbólicocarbolic acid .

Example: Charles Shloss, a nephew by marriage of Daniel Guggenheim, committed suicide here yesterday afternoon by drinking carbolic acid.

» ácido carbónicocarbonic acid .

Example: Carbonic acid is a weak acid found in everything from soda to rain to blood.

» ácido cítricocitric acid .

Example: Sucrose, citric acid, sodium chloride and quinine were applied to the same areas to assess tastes responsiveness.

» ácido clorhídricohydrochloric acidchloridric acid .

Example: Swallowing hydrochloric acid can cause immediate pain and burns of the mouth, throat, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract.

Example: Each sample was cleaned in boiling hydrogen peroxide and chloridric acid.

» ácido fénicocarbolic acidphenic acid .

Example: Charles Shloss, a nephew by marriage of Daniel Guggenheim, committed suicide here yesterday afternoon by drinking carbolic acid.

Example: Lister found he could greatly reduce the number of microorganisms on wounds and incisions by using bandages treated with phenic acid.

» ácido fólicofolic acid .

Example: Fortified foods make a definite contribution to folic acid in the diet.

» ácido fórmicoformic acid .

Example: 'I would like some details on formic acid, its properties and manufacture'.

» ácido fosfóricophosphoric acid .

Example: Phosphoric acid is an ingredient which contributes to the tangy taste of some soft drinks, just as the citric acid found in lemons and oranges.

» ácido grasofatty acid .

Example: There is accumulating evidence of reductions in red blood cell membrane essential fatty acids in patients with schizophrenia.

» ácido graso saturadosaturated fatty acid .

Example: The low saturated fatty acid concentration of rape oil relative to other vegetable oils has resulted in a favourable market share for rape.

» ácido lácticolactic acid .

Example: Sore muscles comes primarily from build-up of lactic acid.

» ácido linoléicolinoleic acid .

Example: Evening primrose oil is a source of linoleic acid and is helpful in alleviating pre-menstrual breast pain in some women.

» ácido málicomalic acid .

Example: Malic acid is the active ingredient in apple juice that softens the gallstones, making them easy and painless to pass.

» ácido muriáticomuriatic acid .

Example: The best way to clean a rusty gas tank is with muriatic acid.

» ácido nítriconitric acid .

Example: Aquatint is the process of etching on copper or steel plates by means of nitric acid.

» ácido nitrosonitrous acid .

Example: This s to be expected, since nitrogen dioxide reacts with moisture to form nitrous and nitric acids.

» ácido oxálicooxalic acid .

Example: The sourness of sorrel is due to oxalic acid, which can be toxic in large quantities, so the plant should be consumed in moderation.

» ácido sulfámicosulphamic acid .

Example: A soda ash/sulphamic acid descaling treatment has been found to eliminate the problem.

» ácido sulfúricosulphuric acid .

Example: Note that sulphuric acid is very dangerous and shoud be handled with great caution.

» ácido tánicotannic acid .

Example: Young red wines, usually those under 8 years old, are strong in tannic acid and require 1 to 2 hours to aerate.

» ácido úricouric acid .

Example: You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.

» ácido zióticothioctic acid .

Example: The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.

» ADN (ácido desoxirribonucleico)DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) .

Example: By the 1960's the model was accepted as the final conclusion regarding DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) structure.

» aminoácidoamino acid .

Example: The 2nd family, dealing with amino acid residues covalently bound in soil organic matter, yielded documents having surprisingly little overlap with those retrieved from Chemical Abstracts (CA).

» bacteria del ácido lácticolactic acid bacteria .

Example: Wines infected with either lactic acid bacteria can potentially produce mousy off-flavor.

» bajo en ácidolow-acid .

Example: This article deals with the degradation of cellulose with ferric and cupric ions in a low-acid medium = Este artículo trata de la degradación de la celulosa con iones de hierro y cobre en un medio bajo en ácido.

» batería de ácidolead acid battery .

Example: This charger will quickly and easily charge almost any lead acid battery.

» batería de ácido y plomolead acid battery .

Example: This charger will quickly and easily charge almost any lead acid battery.

» grabado al ácidoacid etching .

Example: Traditionally, glass etching has been done using acid etching or sandblasting, both of which are abrasive processes with some significant drawbacks.

» grabar al ácidoetch [Tercera persona singular etches] .

Example: In fact the earliest 'zincographs' were not made photographically but by transferring a line drawing in a greasy and acid-resistant ink on to a zinc plate and then etching it.

» indigestión ácidaacid indigestion .

Example: Products containing orange peel extract deliver relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach.

» lluvia ácidaacid rain .

Example: The effect of acid rain on the environment and cultural objects have attracted considerable interest in recent years.

» no ácidoacid-free  .

Example: A major concern is that paper should be acid-free or alkaline.

» papel ácidoacid paper [Papel normal que normalmente tiene un grado de acidez alto, lo que contribuye a su deterioro y que generalmente se utiliza como contraposición a acid-free paper (papel no ácido)] .

Example: However, the consequences of progressive deterioration, both as a result of acid paper and environmental conditions as well as by increased use, are just beginning to be realised.

» resistente al ácidoacid-resistant .

Example: In fact the earliest 'zincographs' were not made photographically but by transferring a line drawing in a greasy and acid-resistant ink on to a zinc plate and then etching it.

» sensible a los ácidosacid-sensitive .

Example: The E. coli of hay-fed cattle are acid-sensitive and are easily killed by gastric juice.

Ácido synonyms

bitter in spanish: amargo, pronunciation: bɪtɜr part of speech: adjective acerbic in spanish: acerbo, pronunciation: əserbɪk part of speech: adjective caustic in spanish: cáustico, pronunciation: kɑstɪk part of speech: adjective, noun acrid in spanish: acre, pronunciation: ækrɪd part of speech: adjective virulent in spanish: virulento, pronunciation: vɪrələnt part of speech: adjective vitriolic in spanish: vitriólico, pronunciation: vɪtriɑlɪk part of speech: adjective unpleasant in spanish: desagradable, pronunciation: ənplezənt part of speech: adjective blistering in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: blɪstɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun acidic in spanish: ácido, pronunciation: əsɪdɪk part of speech: adjective venomous in spanish: venenoso, pronunciation: venəməs part of speech: adjective acerb in spanish: acerbo, pronunciation: eɪkɜrb part of speech: adjective lsd in spanish: LSD, pronunciation: elesdi part of speech: noun sulfurous in spanish: sulfuroso, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective sulphurous in spanish: sulfúrico, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective lysergic acid diethylamide in spanish: Dietilamida del ácido lisérgico, pronunciation: laɪsɜrgɪkæsədiθilɑmaɪd part of speech: noun
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