Zángano in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

zángano1 = drone. 

Example: Consider the question, 'Where can I find out about Drones?'.

zángano2 = lazybones ; layabout ; idler ; thumb twiddler. 

Example: Many see his art as a vocation for lazybones and social misfits.Example: There is no evidence that inherited wealth is in itself responsible for turning young people into useless layabouts.Example: This magazine prints essays and stories that celebrate the joyful life of an idler.Example: Lincoln was not a thumb twiddler like his predecessor in the White House, James Buchanan.

Zángano synonyms

laggard in spanish: , pronunciation: lægɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun monotone in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑnətoʊn part of speech: noun bourdon in spanish: , pronunciation: bʊrdən part of speech: noun droning in spanish: , pronunciation: droʊnɪŋ part of speech: noun dawdler in spanish: , pronunciation: dɔdlɜr part of speech: noun drone pipe in spanish: , pronunciation: droʊnpaɪp part of speech: noun drone on in spanish: , pronunciation: droʊnɑn part of speech: verb pilotless aircraft in spanish: , pronunciation: paɪlətləserkræft part of speech: noun radio-controlled aircraft in spanish: , pronunciation: rædioʊkəntroʊlderkræft part of speech: noun
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