Vampiresa in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

vampiresa = vamp. 

Example: Incomplete and anachronistic readings of the records from the 1612 trial for her rape have underpinned an image of Artemisia as, in the older treatments, a flirt and vamp or, in more recent ones, a feminist and resister of male violence.

Vampiresa synonyms

tease in spanish: molestar, pronunciation: tiz part of speech: verb, noun revamp in spanish: modernizar, pronunciation: rivæmp part of speech: verb flirt in spanish: Ligar, pronunciation: flɜrt part of speech: verb, noun coquette in spanish: coqueta, pronunciation: koʊket part of speech: noun minx in spanish: marta, pronunciation: mɪŋks part of speech: noun vamper in spanish: vampiro, pronunciation: væmpɜr part of speech: noun prickteaser in spanish: prickteaser, pronunciation: prɪktizɜr part of speech: noun vamp up in spanish: vampiresa, pronunciation: væmpʌp part of speech: verb
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