Validez in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

validez = currency ; validity ; worthwhileness ; enforceability ; construct validity ; tenability. 

Example: This stop-list or stop-wordlist is a record of words which have no currency as access points in an index.Example: The main issue before the Royal Commission, however, was not the validity or adequacy of any individual rule or rules, but the ideology underlying Panizzi's catalog as a whole.Example: But it always assumes the importance, the worthwhileness, of human experience even when -- as in tragedy -- it finds much in that experience evil.Example: The enforceability of a shrink wrapped licence has been challenged successfully in North America.Example: Factor analysis is used to test the construct validity of the instrument.Example: The focus of this paper is to question the tenability of socio-economic models of conceptualizing the digital divide.


» anular la validez de un conceptosterilise + idea .

Example: We who run libraries are equally for this kind of emancipation, so that we feel that leaving readers to fend for themselves is to sterilise the idea of libraries.

» comprobar la validezpilot-test .

Example: The survey questionnaires and methodology were pilot-tested late in 81.

» comprobar la validez detest + the validity of .

Example: Whether he knows it or not, the writer will be testing the validity of certain ways of seeing life.

» cuestionar la validez debring into + question the validity ofquestion + the validity of .

Example: Moreover, the findings bring into question the validity of any locally developed system.

Example: This article questions the validity of information management and classification.

» período de validezperiod of validity .

Example: Travel cards can be used for as many journeys as you like during their period of validity.

» poner en cuestión la validez debring into + question the validity ofquestion + the validity of .

Example: Moreover, the findings bring into question the validity of any locally developed system.

Example: This article questions the validity of information management and classification.

» tener validezapply .

Example: This could apply particularly if the figures are to be incorporated into annual reports or other documents.

» validez aparenteface validity .

Example: Preliminary tests show that bibliometricmodels of research have a reasonably good face validity among scientists.

» validez de discriminacióndiscriminant validity .

Example: Content validity was assessed and discriminant validity was investigated using a principle components factor analysis = Se evaluó tanto la validez del contenido como la validez de discriminación usando un análisis factorial de componentes principales.

» validez del contenidocontent validity .

Example: The content validity of the measures was checked using the Delphi technique.

» validez externaexternal validity .

Example: The scheme comprises 4 dimensions: external validity, internal validity, institutional adequacy and formal adequacy.

» validez internainternal validity .

Example: The scheme comprises 4 dimensions: external validity, internal validity, institutional adequacy and formal adequacy.

» validez técnicatechnical soundnesstechnical validity .

Example: The literature pertaining to causative factors of child abuse was assess to determine clarity of exposition, technical soundness, & appropriateness of analysis.

Example: It also must communicate information to the public and decision makers which is simple enough to understand and apply without loosing its technical validity.

Validez synonyms

rigor in spanish: rigor, pronunciation: rɪgɜr part of speech: noun rigour in spanish: rigor, pronunciation: rigoʊɜr part of speech: noun cogency in spanish: fuerza, pronunciation: koʊdʒənsi part of speech: noun validness in spanish: validez, pronunciation: vælɪdnes part of speech: noun
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