Vacilación in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

vacilación = hesitancy ; flip-flop ; vacillation ; dilly-dallying ; shilly-shallying ; hesitance. 

Example: Librarian hesitancy to weed individual titles or types of titles also was cited as an important factor discouraging weeding.Example: Within this debate, there is flip-flop between those who argue for methods influenced by objectivism and those who argue for a more egalitarian approach.Example: She was born in the outback of Australia where all people were powerless in the face of the vacillations of nature.Example: Such dilly-dallying should stop if the government wants to keep its credibility.Example: The officials know in no uncertain terms that you understand your rights under the law and will not stand for any such shilly-shallying.Example: The truth is that hesitance is born of uncertainty -- and uncertainty is almost guaranteed, for every situation you will ever face.


» con vacilacioneshesitatingly .

Example: I had no difficulty in grasping this meaning and famished as I was, rather hesitatingly, took the object and greedily devoured it.

» sin vacilacionesunhesitatingly .

Example: In other cases, these groups unhesitatingly side with the United States and, in effect, become more royalist than the king.

Vacilación synonyms

falter in spanish: desfallecer, pronunciation: fɔltɜr part of speech: verb, noun waver in spanish: vacilar, pronunciation: weɪvɜr part of speech: verb, noun reluctance in spanish: reluctancia, pronunciation: rɪlʌktəns part of speech: noun wavering in spanish: vacilante, pronunciation: weɪvɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun vacillation in spanish: vacilación, pronunciation: væsəleɪʃən part of speech: noun faltering in spanish: vacilante, pronunciation: fɔltɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective hesitancy in spanish: vacilación, pronunciation: hezɪtənsi part of speech: noun disinclination in spanish: aversión, pronunciation: dɪsɪnkləneɪʃən part of speech: noun indisposition in spanish: indisposición, pronunciation: ɪndɪspəzɪʃən part of speech: noun
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