Túnel in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

túnel = tunnel. 

Example: An underground stack, to hold 1,250,000 books and the cataloguing services, was constructed under the inner courtyard of the main university building, to which the stack is linked by a tunnel.


» cavar un túneltunnel .

Example: I first used the remedy when I had a problem with a pesky rat who kept tunnelling into the chickenshed.

» como un túneltunnel-like .

Example: The external auditory meatus is a small, twisting, tunnel-like 'tube' that connects the pinna to the tympanic membrane.

» hacer un túneltunnel .

Example: I first used the remedy when I had a problem with a pesky rat who kept tunnelling into the chickenshed.

» hacer un túnel a Alguienmeg [Término futbolístico. Abreviatura de nutmeg]nutmeg [Término futbolístico. A veces abreviado a meg] .

Example: Dani probably megged him fifteen times in one minute.

Example: I remember in high school we used to play a game where if you got nutmegged, you owed a bagel to the person who nutmegged you.

» parecido a un túneltunnel-like .

Example: The external auditory meatus is a small, twisting, tunnel-like 'tube' that connects the pinna to the tympanic membrane.

» Síndrome del Túnel Carpiano (STC)Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) .

Example: This article discusses some of the muscular-skeletal injuries that can be caused by operating computers in libraries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).

» túnel de contrabandosmuggling tunnel .

Example: Here's some footage showing airstrikes on smuggling tunnels and rocket launching sites.

» túnel de lavadodrive-through car wash .

Example: The Web needs to become like a drive-through car wash -- you bring your car in, and the car wash does all the work.

» túnel de servicioservice tunnel .

Example: An introducer found dead in a warren of service tunnels under a former mental hospital has been named as a Truro man.

» túnel de vientowind tunnel .

Example: Wind tunnel tests of scale-model humpback whale flippers have revealed that the pachyderm's flipper is a more efficient wing design than is currently used by the aeronautics industry on aeroplanes.

» túnel secretosecret tunnelhidden passage .

Example: The king had long ago found a secret tunnel that led to the edge of the river.

Example: The story was inspired by her own children after they had found a hidden passage in their basement.

» ver la luz al final del túnelsee + the light at the end of the tunnel .

Example: I once thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just the light from a torch of some bastard bringing me more work.

» visión de túneltunnel vision [Enfermedad que afecta a la periferia del campo de visión de una persona] .

Example: Peripheral vision loss, also called 'tunnel vision,' can be caused by glaucoma or other damage to the optic nerve.

Túnel synonyms

burrow in spanish: madriguera, pronunciation: bɜroʊ part of speech: noun, verb
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