Tuétano in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tuétano = bone marrow ; marrow. 

Example: College students were surveyed regarding the moral obligation to save someone's life by donating bone marrow.Example: Platonic psychology considers the constitutive principle of the body to be the marrow.

Tuétano synonyms

heart in spanish: corazón, pronunciation: hɑrt part of speech: noun center in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun core in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɔr part of speech: noun essence in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: esəns part of speech: noun gist in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: dʒɪst part of speech: noun substance in spanish: sustancia, pronunciation: sʌbstəns part of speech: noun meat in spanish: carne, pronunciation: mit part of speech: noun sum in spanish: suma, pronunciation: sʌm part of speech: noun pith in spanish: médula, pronunciation: pɪθ part of speech: noun kernel in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɜrnəl part of speech: noun nub in spanish: protuberancia, pronunciation: nʌb part of speech: noun nitty-gritty in spanish: meollo, pronunciation: nɪtigrɪti part of speech: noun inwardness in spanish: espiritualidad, pronunciation: ɪnwɜrdnəs part of speech: noun bone marrow in spanish: médula ósea, pronunciation: boʊnmeroʊ part of speech: noun vegetable marrow in spanish: médula vegetal, pronunciation: vedʒtəbəlmeroʊ part of speech: noun marrow squash in spanish: Calabacita, pronunciation: meroʊskwɑʃ part of speech: noun
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