Tutelar in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tutelar = umbrella ; tutelary ; take + Nombre + under + Posesivo + wings. 

Example: SCOCLIS is the umbrella body for the 30 UK local networks which deal in commercial and technical information resources.Example: What these groups want is something which is not easy to describe; it is something more tutelary than the majority of subject bibliographies.Example: Peco then took Smile under his wings and taught him how to play the game of ping pong.


» centro tutelar de menoresjuvenile detention centrejuvenile homedetention homejuvenile detention home .

Example: This article outlines the public library's outreach activities with children of all ages, the jail, and the local juvenile detention centre.

Example: Another boy wonder is Kip Kreiling, who spent most of his childhood in foster homes, juvenile homes and eventually behind bars = Una joven promesa es Kip Kreiling, quien pasó la mayoría de su infancia en casas de acogida, centros tutelares de menores y posteriormente entre rejas.

Example: Juvenile offenders aged ten through seventeen are housed at the detention home year-round and attend school on the premises.

Example: Hawaii's juvenile detention home still has the glow of a building that's less than two years old.

» cuidado tutelarfoster care .

Example: This is an expert system and data base designed to assist US social workers in providing foster care for children.

Tutelar synonyms

guardian in spanish: guardián, pronunciation: gɑrdiən part of speech: noun protective in spanish: protector, pronunciation: prətektɪv part of speech: adjective custodial in spanish: custodia, pronunciation: kəstoʊdiəl part of speech: adjective tutelar in spanish: tutelar, pronunciation: tutɪlɜr part of speech: adjective
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