Tutela in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tutela = guardianship ; tutelage. 

Example: The early libraries in England were often gifts of individuals entrusted to the guardianship of their respective municipalities.Example: This is a film that that will melt hearts of stone, with its cast of scruffy urchins who learn both song and life lessons under the tutelage of a paternalistic mentor at a grim boarding school for 'difficult' boys .


» acoger bajo la tutela de Unobring under + Posesivo + umbrella .

Example: It might be possible for libraries to bring under their umbrella those information agencies receiving funds from local government.

» bajo la tutelaunder the auspices of .

Example: Other work relating to the development of classification has been conducted under the auspices of UNISIST.

» bajo la tutela deunder the aegis of .

Example: This article examines the characteristics of one off-campus programme offered under the aegis of Extended Degree Programs at Central Michigan University.

» bajo la tutela de Alguienunder + Posesivo + auspices .

Example: The United Way of America has been involved with information and referral services since 1921 and in 1972 had some sixty I&R centres under its auspices.

» estar bajo la tutela defall under + the auspices of .

Example: UK public libraries fall under the auspices of the Department of National Heritage.

» tomar a Alguien bajo + Posesivo + tutelatake + Nombre + under + Posesivo + wings .

Example: Peco then took Smile under his wings and taught him how to play the game of ping pong.

Tutela synonyms

care in spanish: cuidado, pronunciation: ker part of speech: noun, verb charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun tutelage in spanish: tutela, pronunciation: tjutɪlɪdʒ part of speech: noun keeping in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: kipɪŋ part of speech: noun safekeeping in spanish: custodia, pronunciation: seɪfkipɪŋ part of speech: noun
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