Turquesa in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turquesa = turquoise ; turquoise blue. 

Example: The water is turquoise due to high concentrations of dissolved lime picked up as it runs through sedimentary rock.Example: This hand-carved wood rooster is bright turquoise blue with white, yellow and red designs.


» azul turquesaturquoiseturquoise blue .

Example: The water is turquoise due to high concentrations of dissolved lime picked up as it runs through sedimentary rock.

Example: This hand-carved wood rooster is bright turquoise blue with white, yellow and red designs.

» verde turquesaturquoise green .

Example: Amid the pale pink blossoms poised on turquoise green leaves, the swaying image of the sky above has the unreal quality of a dream.

Turquesa synonyms

aqua in spanish: agua, pronunciation: ækwə part of speech: noun aquamarine in spanish: aguamarina, pronunciation: ɑkwəmɜrin part of speech: noun cobalt blue in spanish: azul cobalto, pronunciation: koʊbɔltblu part of speech: noun greenish blue in spanish: azul verdoso, pronunciation: grinɪʃblu part of speech: noun peacock blue in spanish: azul eléctrico, pronunciation: pikɑkblu part of speech: noun
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