Turno in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turno = stint ; turn ; shift ; watch. 

Example: Evidence for identification is rarely available, but in a few cases very full printers' records have survived in which individual stints are accounted for.Example: In particular note, for example by ticking them, those terms that merit a turn in the lead position, and those that do not.Example: Each library will have to determine how long the shifts at the service area will be.Example: During his watch, the US economy as well as the global monetary situation have been thrown into a precarious situation.


» comenzar el turno de trabajogo on + duty .

Example: Communication is making unique experience common; that definition should be at the head of every library textbook and should be rubbed into every member of staff as he goes on duty.

» cumplir + Posesivo + turnotake + Posesivo + turn at .

Example: In complete fairness to him, he always keeps busy on things that have to be done, and he takes his turn at the reference desk like everyone else.

» de turnoon dutyon call .

Example: One simple way to reduce the distance between the user and the librarian is to provide nameplates introducing the librarian(s) on duty.

Example: This time the surgeon on-call was not one they knew and so they bleeped him nervously.

» día de turnoduty day .

Example: Airlines want shorter pilot duty days, but more flying time.

» doble turnodouble shift .

Example: She was on her way back home after a double shift at work when the crash happened.

» doble turno de trabajodouble shift .

Example: She was on her way back home after a double shift at work when the crash happened.

» en turnoson a rota basison a rota systemon a rotating basison a rota .

Example: Volunteers work shifts of 4 hours during the day, or 2 hours in the evening, on a rota basis.

Example: There is a kitchen and dining room and clients prepare meals on a rota system.

Example: The positive results from a pilot project, mounted with anti-static cleaning fluid and borrowed equipment, led the library to purchase the equipment so that a portion of the collection can be cleaned on a rotating basis each year.

Example: On a rota, 2 or 3 helpers from a pool of 20 look after 2 to 9 children.

» esperar el turno de Unowait + Posesivo + turn .

Example: I think they should wait their turn like everyone else.

» esperar + Posesivo + turnostand in + lineform + a queuequeue up .

Example: This might just be the one time you don't mind standing in line to use the restroom.

Example: As you can see, the crowd waiting to get in had formed a queue that went up the street and around the corner!.

Example: You will be disliked and turfed out as a sacrificial goat once your job is done but there will be many others queuing up for your services.

» funcionar por un sistema de turnoswork on + a rota systemwork on + a rotawork + shiftswork to + a rota system .

Example: Staff working in the centre are given some training in the work of the Town Hall, but the original proposal that they work on a rota system in each department has not materialized.

Example: The scale of the house-keeping is so large, that just to get fresh flower arrangements in the house takes a team of 15 volunteers, working on a rota.

Example: People working shifts tend to experience a relatively high number of accidents/injuries.

Example: Legal advice centres are usually run and staffed part-time by groups of solicitors working to a rota system and open one or two evenings a week.

» hacer turnoswork on + a rotawork on + a rota systemwork + shifts .

Example: The scale of the house-keeping is so large, that just to get fresh flower arrangements in the house takes a team of 15 volunteers, working on a rota.

Example: Staff working in the centre are given some training in the work of the Town Hall, but the original proposal that they work on a rota system in each department has not materialized.

Example: People working shifts tend to experience a relatively high number of accidents/injuries.

» interrupciones en el turno de palabracrosstalk .

Example: In my meetings, crosstalk is when people begin responding out loud to someone who is talking -- it is an interruption and it is rude.

» mantener un sistema de turnoshold + a rota of .

Example: The library may also arrange for local councillors to hold a rota of surgeries once a week.

» mantener un turno de palabratake + turns at speaking .

Example: This is an interesting analysis of how people from various cultures take turns at speaking.

» organizar un sistema de turnos de + Nombreorganise + a rota of + Nombre .

Example: They also organize a rota of solicitors who hold a free legal advice surgery one evening a week.

» pedir el turnoask for + Posesivo + turnform + a queuestand in + linequeue up .

Example: She gradually increased the frequency of asking for her turn until she was doing the driving 80% of the time.

Example: As you can see, the crowd waiting to get in had formed a queue that went up the street and around the corner!.

Example: This might just be the one time you don't mind standing in line to use the restroom.

Example: You will be disliked and turfed out as a sacrificial goat once your job is done but there will be many others queuing up for your services.

» por turnoson a rotating basison a rota basison a rota systemon a rotaround robin .

Example: The positive results from a pilot project, mounted with anti-static cleaning fluid and borrowed equipment, led the library to purchase the equipment so that a portion of the collection can be cleaned on a rotating basis each year.

Example: Volunteers work shifts of 4 hours during the day, or 2 hours in the evening, on a rota basis.

Example: There is a kitchen and dining room and clients prepare meals on a rota system.

Example: On a rota, 2 or 3 helpers from a pool of 20 look after 2 to 9 children.

Example: A round robin rotation schedule is one of the oldest, simplest scheduling algorithm.

» ser + Posesivo + turnobe + Posesivo + turn .

Example: She stood, with Toto in her arms, watching the sad fate of her comrades and thinking it would soon be her turn.

» sistema de turnosrota system .

Example: Legal advice centres have two main drawbacks: the limited capacity to provide follow-up or other skills, such as social work, and the lack of continuity that results from the use of a rota system.

» tener una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnosoperate + a rota system of + Nombre .

Example: Most CABx (Citizen's Advice Bureaux) operate a rota system of local solicitors who will provide free legal advice sessions.

» terminar turno de trabajocome off + duty .

Example: Few nurses write for their profession, and the reading habit may give way to other pursuits when nurses come off duty exhausted.

» toma de turnos en la conversaciónturn-taking [turntaking] .

Example: The burden of proof is a key element in dialectic argumentation but turn-taking eventually determines the winner of an argument.

» trabajador por turnosshift worker .

Example: In this way, the needs of those such as shift workers and the housebound who are prevented from attending normal college courses for a variety of reasons, are now being met.

» trabajar a doble turnowork + double shift .

Example: Divorced and raising two children on her own, Lewis often worked double shift to support her family.

» trabajar por turnoswork on + a rotawork on + a rota systemwork + shifts .

Example: The scale of the house-keeping is so large, that just to get fresh flower arrangements in the house takes a team of 15 volunteers, working on a rota.

Example: Staff working in the centre are given some training in the work of the Town Hall, but the original proposal that they work on a rota system in each department has not materialized.

Example: People working shifts tend to experience a relatively high number of accidents/injuries.

» trabajo por turnosshift work .

Example: The move toward the '24 hours society' have led to an increase in atypical work patterns: that is, evening, night, weekend and shift work.

» turno de díaday shiftday shift .

Example: The afternoon-shift employees are the ones who feel the inadequacy of parking space because the day shift is still on duty when they arrive.

Example: The afternoon-shift employees are the ones who feel the inadequacy of parking space because the day shift is still on duty when they arrive.

» turno de guardiaguard duty .

Example: The children were involved in manual labour, guard duty, front-line fighting, bomb manufacture, setting sea/land mines & radio & communication.

» turno de mañanamorning shift .

Example: The morning shifts are from 5am to 2:30-3 sometimes with a 30 minute break.

» turno de mediodíaafternoon shift .

Example: The afternoon-shift employees are the ones who feel the inadequacy of parking space because the day shift is still on duty when they arrive.

» turno de nochenight shift [night-shift] .

Example: It also leads to better utilization of machinery; for example, night shifts can be operated with minimum personnel.

» turno de preguntasQ&A session [question and answer session] .

Example: The delivery of each presentation should last 15-20 minutes which should include a Q&A session.

» turno de tardeevening shift .

Example: He said the initial evening shifts would focus on surgery, medicine, paediatrics and gynaecology and would be on a trial basis till the summer vacations.

» turno de trabajowork shiftshift .

Example: Most standards and guidelines concerning noise exposure limits are based on an 8-hour work shift.

Example: Each library will have to determine how long the shifts at the service area will be.

» turno de trabajo de atención al usuariodesk duty .

Example: One seasoned supervisor insisted that in order to appear businesslike, staff reading while on desk duty should hold a pencil.

» turnos del personalstaffing rota .

Example: The difficulty of timetabling, staffing rotas etc. lies principally in the numerous drafts which usually have to be made to produce the final version.

» una serie de + Nombre + organizdos por turnosa rota of + Nombre .

Example: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.

Turno synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb play in spanish: jugar, pronunciation: pleɪ part of speech: verb, noun bend in spanish: curva, pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb become in spanish: volverse, pronunciation: bɪkʌm part of speech: verb round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb number in spanish: número, pronunciation: nʌmbɜr part of speech: noun act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun spell in spanish: deletrear, pronunciation: spel part of speech: noun, verb grow in spanish: crecer, pronunciation: groʊ part of speech: verb release in spanish: lanzamiento, pronunciation: rilis part of speech: noun, verb reverse in spanish: marcha atrás, pronunciation: rɪvɜrs part of speech: noun, verb, adjective twist in spanish: giro, pronunciation: twɪst part of speech: noun, verb wrench in spanish: llave inglesa, pronunciation: rentʃ part of speech: noun, verb crook in spanish: ladrón, pronunciation: krʊk part of speech: noun tour in spanish: excursión, pronunciation: tʊr part of speech: noun routine in spanish: rutina, pronunciation: rutin part of speech: adjective, noun sour in spanish: agrio, pronunciation: saʊɜr part of speech: adjective convert in spanish: convertir, pronunciation: kɑnvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun plow in spanish: arado, pronunciation: plaʊ part of speech: noun, verb convince in spanish: convencer, pronunciation: kənvɪns part of speech: verb bout in spanish: combate, pronunciation: baʊt part of speech: noun plough in spanish: arado, pronunciation: plaʊ part of speech: noun, verb ferment in spanish: fermentar, pronunciation: fɜrment part of speech: noun, verb sprain in spanish: esguince, pronunciation: spreɪn part of speech: noun rick in spanish: almiar, pronunciation: rɪk part of speech: noun turn over in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb turning in spanish: torneado, pronunciation: tɜrnɪŋ part of speech: noun wrick in spanish: Wrick, pronunciation: rɪk part of speech: noun turn to in spanish: empezar a, pronunciation: tɜrntu part of speech: verb turn into in spanish: convertirse en, pronunciation: tɜrnɪntu win over in spanish: conquistar, pronunciation: wɪnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb move around in spanish: moverse, pronunciation: muvɜraʊnd part of speech: verb turn of events in spanish: giro de acontecimientos, pronunciation: tɜrnʌvɪvents part of speech: noun good turn in spanish: buen turno, pronunciation: gʊdtɜrn part of speech: noun change state in spanish: cambian de estado, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒsteɪt part of speech: verb change by reversal in spanish: cambio por reversión, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒbaɪrɪvɜrsəl part of speech: verb
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