Turista in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turista = tourist ; holiday-maker ; sightseer ; holidaymaker ; vacationer ; vacationist ; rubberneck. 

Example: Consider the following document, 'Essential first-aid for the tourist', Do you think that 'first-aid' is here a subject concept?.Example: Holiday-makers using the library are divided into 5 main types: book borrowers; book buyers; ancestor hunters; serious tourists; and art enthusiasts.Example: These gaping sightseers never took account of the difficulties of going through the shop.Example: Forecasters hope holidaymakers will gain some respite in time for tonight's festivities, but cannot rule out frequent showers and gales.Example: The islanders, meanwhile, are crossing their fingers that Thursday's terrorist attack won't drive vacationers away.Example: Set against high hills that afford panoramic views of the river and its tree-covered islands, this area draws many vacationists.Example: Today, tourism is becoming the big money-maker, with rubbernecks preferring Fiji to overcrowded Hawaii.


» clase turistaeconomy class .

Example: The grant is to cover the cost of travel (economy class air transportation) to and from the host country of the conference, registration, hotel costs and a per diem allowance.

» diarrea del turistatravellers' diarrhoeagippy tummyDelhi belly [Usado a veces con referencia a la India]Montezuma's revenge [Usado a veces con referencia a Latinoamérica] .

Example: The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.

Example: If you do get a 'gippy tummy' make sure you drink plenty of clean, ideally bottled water to ensure you don't get dehydrated.

Example: Despite my best attempts to prevent it, I got sick with a fairly serious case of Delhi belly.

Example: My grandma has bad stomach pain and says she picked up Montezuma's revenge in Mexico 40 years ago and that the symptoms return every year.

» foco de atracción de turistashoneypot .

Example: Hitherto rural excursions have been confined to 'honeypots' with little penetration away from main roads.

» turista extranjeroforeign tourist .

Example: A man was drying out postcards in the sun to sell to the few foreign tourist wandering disconcertedly though the wreckage and rubble.

Turista synonyms

holidaymaker in spanish: veraneante, pronunciation: hoʊlidimeɪkɜr part of speech: noun
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