Turismo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turismo1 = tourism. 

Example: The eligible projects include infraestructural works, industry, tourism and some services.


» agencia nacional de turismotourist board .

Example: According to the tourist board, the city's museum visitor numbers have increased dramatically over the years, reaching 70-80,000 per annum.

» guía de turismotour guide .

Example: The article is entitled 'The Windows Internet tour guide: cruising the Internet the easy way'.

» hacer turismotouringtravel aroundsightseerubbernecktourgo + sightseeingdo + the sights .

Example: Of course, the IFLA Conference also offers an opportunity, particularly for those who combine it with the annual holiday, to do a bit of touring.

Example: If you plan to travel around Britain, a combination of trains and rental cars is usually the best way to do this.

Example: If you'd like more help finding unique places to sightsee in Los Angeles, don't hesitate to contact us.

Example: I've lived here for more than half of my 44 years, and I still rubberneck like a tourist = He vivido aquí por más de la mitad de mis 44 años, y sigo visitando lugares de interés como un turista.

Example: A 5-day symposium was held at Champagne Public Library and an exhibition toured the public libraries of the state.

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

Example: It also depends on what you intend to do in London -- if you want to do the sights, you might want to stay in the center.

» industria del turismo, latourism industry, the .

Example: This aims to commemorate and promote the history of slavery and integrate this history into the tourism industry.

» mercado del turismotourist market .

Example: The first project was based on horticulture while the second produced high quality tea towels, wall hangings, and placemats for the Australian tourist market.

» oficina de turismotourist officetourism information office .

Example: The building encloses an art gallery, tourist office, conference room, concert hall and cinema.

Example: If you want to call a taxi, your hotel or the nearest tourism information office can recommend a reliable service.

» secretaría (nacional) de turismotourist board .

Example: According to the tourist board, the city's museum visitor numbers have increased dramatically over the years, reaching 70-80,000 per annum.

» turismo agrícolaagritourism .

Example: Some people become involved in agritourism as a way of supplementing their income.

» turismo cinegéticohunting tourism .

Example: One of the study's main findings is that hunting tourism generates revenue of 155 million dollars.

» turismo culinarioculinary tourism .

Example: There can be no doubt that culinary tourism holds great potential for the state of Florida.

» turismo culturalcultural tourism .

Example: The author discusses how libraries can contribute to cultural tourism.

» turismo de dolorgrief tourism .

Example: Dark tourism (also black tourism or grief tourism) is tourism involving travel to sites associated with death and suffering.

» turismo de hotelhotel tourism .

Example: The secondary benefits of residential tourism are just as lucrative as traditional hotel tourism.

» turismo gastronómicofood tourismculinary tourismgastro-tourism .

Example: Agritourism and food tourism have been a part of the rural and agricultural landscape in Australia for some time.

Example: There can be no doubt that culinary tourism holds great potential for the state of Florida.

Example: Gastro-tourism is a word that many of us hear nowadays, but not too many are aware of what it is.

» turismo negrodark tourismblack tourism .

Example: The place where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, Robben Island in South Africa, is one dark tourism destination.

Example: Dark tourism (also black tourism or grief tourism) is tourism involving travel to sites associated with death and suffering.

» turismo oscurodark tourismblack tourism .

Example: The place where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, Robben Island in South Africa, is one dark tourism destination.

Example: Dark tourism (also black tourism or grief tourism) is tourism involving travel to sites associated with death and suffering.

» turismo residencialresidential tourism .

Example: The secondary benefits of residential tourism are just as lucrative as traditional hotel tourism.

» turismo ruralrural tourism .

Example: If rural tourism is to be developed, it ought to capitalize on the endogenous potential of the region, ie, its landscape, culture, history, & human capital.

» turismo sexualsex tourism .

Example: The combination of wealthy visitors and desperate locals has given rise to an alarming growth in sex tourism.

» turismo siniestrodark tourism .

Example: The place where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, Robben Island in South Africa, is one dark tourism destination.

turismo2 = car ; saloon ; saloon car ; sedan. 

Example: Benchmarks are the times taken to carry out a set of standard operations and they are comparable to the government fuel consumption figures for cars.Example: The steering is light and smooth and the ride is supple making the Toyota one of the easiest saloons on the market to drive.Example: Saloon cars became very popular just after the Second World War but they were in short supply.Example: Toyota Etios is one of the most successful sedans in the Indian market.

Turismo synonyms

touring in spanish: turismo, pronunciation: tʊrɪŋ part of speech: adjective touristry in spanish: turismo, pronunciation: tʊrɪstri part of speech: noun
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