Turca in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turco = Turkish ; Turk. 

Example: Specifically he is studying why the short Turkish bow was apparently superior to the English long bow of the skirmishes of the Crusades.Example: The conversion of the Turks to Islam in the 9th century marks a significant stage in the development of libraries.


» cabeza de turcopatsyscapegoatwhipping boyfall guy .

Example: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.

Example: 'He's been trying to cover up his tracks; those engineers who got axed were his scapegoats'.

Example: The coal industry has become the 'whipping boy' of environmentalists who fail to come up with realistic alternatives for energy.

Example: This biopic of the serial killer Ted Bundy portraying him as a sex maniac and a grotesque fall guy is misguided.

» ser cabeza de turco parabe a punching bag forbe a punch bag for .

Example: She is not a role model for girls and she is a punching bag for angsty teenage boys with death wishes.

Example: She regularly gets beaten by her father and is a punch bag for her drunk, drug addicted mother.

» servir de cabeza de turco parabe a punching bag forbe a punch bag for .

Example: She is not a role model for girls and she is a punching bag for angsty teenage boys with death wishes.

Example: She regularly gets beaten by her father and is a punch bag for her drunk, drug addicted mother.

» silla turcasaddle point [Lugar más bajo en la unión de dos vertientes que forman una especia de silla de montar] .

Example: The regions are shaded according to which saddle point the dimer moved to.

» turco chipriotaTurk Cypriot [Nombre y adjetivo. También escrito Cypriot Turk] .

Example: The island is divided into two, and the Turk Cypriots live to the north, the Greek Cypriots to the south.

» turco cipriotaTurk Cypriot [Nombre y adjetivo. También escrito Cypriot Turk] .

Example: The island is divided into two, and the Turk Cypriots live to the north, the Greek Cypriots to the south.

» usar de cabeza de turco parabe a punch bag forbe a punching bag for .

Example: She regularly gets beaten by her father and is a punch bag for her drunk, drug addicted mother.

Example: She is not a role model for girls and she is a punching bag for angsty teenage boys with death wishes.
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