Turbulento in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turbulento = troubled ; turbulent ; stormy ; tumultuous ; roiling ; blustery ; riotous ; chequered [checkered, -USA] ; churning ; tempestuous ; messy . 

Example: These thoughts and many more like them flitted to and fro ceaselessly over the troubled surface of his mind.Example: The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).Example: The stormy period of the 50s and 60s are considered to have seriously damaged the cause of improving the salaries of librarians.Example: Surely these innovations already have and will continue to bring deep and wide-sweeping change to our profession - and because of their rapidity, these changes will be sudden and often tumultuous.Example: He stood on the muddy bank of the river just after dawn, staring dispiritedly at the roiling current separating him from Mexico.Example: This is probably because the north's more blustery weather spring-cleans the streets.Example: I'd like to see the full force of the law brought down on these people who are involved in this riotous behaviour.Example: An appraisal of the reforms following the report suggests that local councillors' workload has increased, and community councils have had a chequered career, although local authorities generally are stronger.Example: Everywhere, where the waters had hit, one saw this total devastation and strange debris created by these churning swirling waters = Everywhere, where the waters had hit, one saw this total devastation and strange debris created by these churning swirling waters.Example: At the time, she was already embroiled in a tempestuous affair with the man who would become her second husband.Example: The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.


» aguas turbulentasturbulent watersstormy waterswild waterswhitewater [También escrito separado white water]rushing water .

Example: His experience and expertise has guided IFLA members smoothly across what could easily have been turbulent waters = Sus conocimientos y experiencia en la formulación de los Estatutos ha guiado a los miembros de la IFLA sin problemas a través de lo que podrían haber sido fácilmente aguas turbulentas.

Example: But he is clear that there is no sign that the turbulence of the past has been laid to rest, and there are many signs that stormy waters lie ahead.

Example: It was in these wild waters that the world record brook trout was caught in 1915.

Example: The article 'Navigating permanent 'whitewater' of organizational change' explores the influence of organizational change on campus libraries.

Example: When their canoes capsized in the rushing water after downpours raised the river to dangerous levels, three canoeists managed to make it to safety but one was swept away.

» pasado turbulentochequered historychequered past .

Example: The concept of corporate authorship has had a more chequered history.

Example: As a result of this chequered past telepathy is now largely discredited and regarded by many in science as mere pseudoscience.

» tiempos turbulentosembattled time(s) .

Example: Amidst mounting pressure over external and internal scandals, this is a truly embattled time for the United Nations.

Turbulento synonyms

tumultuous in spanish: tumultuoso, pronunciation: tumʌltʃuəs part of speech: adjective agitated in spanish: agitado, pronunciation: ædʒəteɪtəd part of speech: adjective disruptive in spanish: disruptivo, pronunciation: dɪsrʌptɪv part of speech: adjective churning in spanish: batiendo, pronunciation: tʃɜrnɪŋ part of speech: adjective riotous in spanish: desenfrenado, pronunciation: raɪətəs part of speech: adjective troubled in spanish: preocupado, pronunciation: trʌbəld part of speech: adjective roiling in spanish: enloqueciendo, pronunciation: rɔɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective roiled in spanish: enloquecido, pronunciation: rɔɪld part of speech: adjective roily in spanish: turbio, pronunciation: rɔɪli part of speech: adjective unquiet in spanish: inquieto, pronunciation: ənkuiet part of speech: adjective
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