Turbio in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turbio = murky ; shady ; muddy ; roiling ; cloudy ; turbid ; messy . 

Example: There are extraordinary uncertainties in the murky future of higher education and to change the character of our library at this stage would be too extreme a measure.Example: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.Example: In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.Example: He stood on the muddy bank of the river just after dawn, staring dispiritedly at the roiling current separating him from Mexico.Example: We walked the familiar grounds, grass wet from days of thunder storms, the morning still cloudy and threatening.Example: I recently found out that 'turgid,' which actually means 'swollen' and that I was confusing it with 'turbid,' a word I've never heard.Example: The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.

Turbio synonyms

grey in spanish: gris, pronunciation: greɪ part of speech: adjective, noun gray in spanish: gris, pronunciation: greɪ part of speech: adjective, noun opaque in spanish: opaco, pronunciation: oʊpeɪk part of speech: adjective dull in spanish: aburrido, pronunciation: dʌl part of speech: adjective heavy in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective nebulous in spanish: nebuloso, pronunciation: nebjələs part of speech: adjective sullen in spanish: hosco, pronunciation: sʌlən part of speech: adjective murky in spanish: turbio, pronunciation: mɜrki part of speech: adjective turbid in spanish: túrbido, pronunciation: tɜrbɪd part of speech: adjective hazy in spanish: brumoso, pronunciation: heɪzi part of speech: adjective overcast in spanish: nublado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrkæst part of speech: adjective foggy in spanish: brumoso, pronunciation: fɑgi part of speech: adjective muddy in spanish: lodoso, pronunciation: mʌdi part of speech: adjective threatening in spanish: amenazante, pronunciation: θretənɪŋ part of speech: adjective misty in spanish: brumoso, pronunciation: mɪsti part of speech: adjective leaden in spanish: de plomo, pronunciation: ledən part of speech: adjective nebular in spanish: nebuloso, pronunciation: nebjəlɜr part of speech: adjective indistinct in spanish: indistinto, pronunciation: ɪndɪstɪŋkt part of speech: adjective clouded in spanish: nublado, pronunciation: klaʊdɪd part of speech: adjective lowering in spanish: encapotado, pronunciation: loʊɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective vaporous in spanish: vaporoso, pronunciation: væpɜrəs part of speech: adjective smoggy in spanish: smoggy, pronunciation: smɔgi part of speech: adjective miasmic in spanish: miasmico, pronunciation: miæzmɪk part of speech: adjective brumous in spanish: brumoso, pronunciation: bruməs part of speech: adjective sunless in spanish: sin sol, pronunciation: sʌnlɪs part of speech: adjective miasmal in spanish: miasmal, pronunciation: maɪəsməl part of speech: adjective mirky in spanish: Mirky, pronunciation: mɜrki part of speech: adjective cloudlike in spanish: como una nube, pronunciation: klaʊdlaɪk part of speech: adjective cloud-covered in spanish: cubierto de nubes, pronunciation: klaʊdkʌvɜrd part of speech: adjective nebulose in spanish: nebulosa, pronunciation: nebəloʊz part of speech: adjective
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