Turbina in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

turbina = turbine ; turbine engine. 

Example: The author reviews the history of the steam turbine at sea from the 1880s to modern turbines.Example: This expert system was designed to provide the apprentice mechanic with the ability to diagnose and repair the turbine engine like an expert mechanic.


» turbina a vaporsteam turbine .

Example: The author reviews the history of the steam turbine at sea from the 1880s to modern turbines.

» turbina de gasgas turbine enginegas turbine .

Example: From the dawn of powered flight, all aircraft were powered by piston engines until August 27, 1939, when the first gas turbine engine took to the air.

Example: A simple gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a compressor, a combustor, and a turbine.

» turbina eólicawind turbine .

Example: Wind turbines with a horizontal axis may be upwind or downwind machines, ie the rotor may be facing the wind, or on the lee side of the tower.
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