Tupido in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tupido = bushy. 

Example: Whether short and thin or long and bushy, applying a fake mustache is often the best solution to create the look of a character.


» ceja tupidabushy eyebrow .

Example: You may have noticed that bushy eyebrows are fashionable again, and that many celebrities are sporting fuller brows this season.

» con cola tupidabushy-tailed .

Example: It's picture of a bushy-tailed fox sitting up on its hind legs and touching its chest.

» correr un tupido velo sobredraw + a veil overpaper over + the cracks .

Example: In the latter case, France that had a vested interest in drawing a veil over the murderous events of 1915-1916.

Example: There are fears that the recent encouraging economic data papers over the cracks of some of the real issues at the heart of China's economy.

» echar un tupido velo sobredraw + a veil overpaper over + the cracks .

Example: In the latter case, France that had a vested interest in drawing a veil over the murderous events of 1915-1916.

Example: There are fears that the recent encouraging economic data papers over the cracks of some of the real issues at the heart of China's economy.

Tupido synonyms

deep in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: dip part of speech: adjective heavy in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective fat in spanish: gordo, pronunciation: fæt part of speech: adjective, noun intense in spanish: intenso, pronunciation: ɪntens part of speech: adjective stupid in spanish: estúpido, pronunciation: stupəd part of speech: adjective broad in spanish: ancho, pronunciation: brɔd part of speech: adjective abundant in spanish: abundante, pronunciation: əbʌndənt part of speech: adjective dense in spanish: denso, pronunciation: dens part of speech: adjective compact in spanish: compacto, pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun wide in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective midst in spanish: medio, pronunciation: mɪdst part of speech: noun viscous in spanish: viscoso, pronunciation: vɪskəs part of speech: adjective stocky in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: stɑki part of speech: adjective coagulate in spanish: coagular, pronunciation: koʊægjəleɪt part of speech: verb impenetrable in spanish: impenetrable, pronunciation: ɪmpenətrəbəl part of speech: adjective unintelligible in spanish: ininteligible, pronunciation: ənɪntelədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: concentrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective creamy in spanish: cremoso, pronunciation: krimi part of speech: adjective chummy in spanish: familiar, pronunciation: tʃʌmi part of speech: adjective heavyset in spanish: corpulento, pronunciation: heviset part of speech: adjective gelatinous in spanish: gelatinoso, pronunciation: dʒəlætənəs part of speech: adjective clogged in spanish: obstruido, pronunciation: klɔgd part of speech: adjective ropy in spanish: viscoso, pronunciation: rɑpi part of speech: adjective stringy in spanish: fibroso, pronunciation: strɪŋi part of speech: adjective ropey in spanish: cuerda, pronunciation: rɑpi part of speech: adjective thickset in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: θɪkset part of speech: adjective soupy in spanish: espeso, pronunciation: supi part of speech: adjective syrupy in spanish: almibarado, pronunciation: sɜrupi part of speech: adjective slurred in spanish: arrastrado, pronunciation: slɜrd part of speech: adjective coagulated in spanish: coagulado, pronunciation: koʊægjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective quilted in spanish: acolchado, pronunciation: kwɪltɪd part of speech: adjective thickheaded in spanish: torpe, pronunciation: θɪkhedɪd part of speech: adjective thready in spanish: listo, pronunciation: θredi part of speech: adjective clotted in spanish: cuajaron, pronunciation: klɑtəd part of speech: adjective curdled in spanish: cuajado, pronunciation: kɜrdəld part of speech: adjective thickly in spanish: grueso, pronunciation: θɪkli part of speech: adverb grumous in spanish: grumoso, pronunciation: gruməs part of speech: adjective boneheaded in spanish: sin cabeza, pronunciation: boʊnhedɪd part of speech: adjective two-ply in spanish: dos capas, pronunciation: twoʊplaɪ part of speech: adjective blockheaded in spanish: cabeza de bloque, pronunciation: blɑkhedɪd part of speech: adjective thickened in spanish: engrosado, pronunciation: θɪkənd part of speech: adjective jellylike in spanish: parecido a gelatina, pronunciation: dʒelilaɪk part of speech: adjective grumose in spanish: grumosa, pronunciation: grumoʊz part of speech: adjective fatheaded in spanish: lerdo, pronunciation: fæthedɪd part of speech: adjective three-ply in spanish: tres capas, pronunciation: θriplaɪ part of speech: adjective thick-skulled in spanish: calavera gruesa, pronunciation: θɪkskəld part of speech: adjective loggerheaded in spanish: cabeza de leña, pronunciation: lɑgɜrhedɪd part of speech: adjective four-ply in spanish: cuatro capas, pronunciation: fɔrplaɪ part of speech: adjective coagulable in spanish: coagulable, pronunciation: koʊægjələbəl part of speech: adjective gelatinlike in spanish: gelatinoso, pronunciation: dʒelətɪnlaɪk part of speech: adjective wooden-headed in spanish: zopenco, pronunciation: wʊdənhedɪd part of speech: adjective
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