Tuna in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tuna = student musical group. 

Example: He was also instrumental in organizing a student musical group, aiming to 'showcase their talents and raise their self-esteem'.

tuno1 = rascal ; rogue ; scallywag [scalawag, -USA] ; rapscallion ; cad ; low life. 

Example: And although they may pose themselves as very religious, they are simply rascals.Example: Some headings are vague and without scope notes to define them: ROBBERS AND OUTLAWS; CRIME AND CRIMINALS; rogues AND VAGABONDS.Example: In other words, we either have morons or thugs running the White House -- or perhaps one moron, one thug, and a smattering of scalawags in between.Example: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.Example: Not only that, but this cad has also convinced them she is losing her faculties.Example: People need to accept that they are low lifes and stop getting uppity when someone else makes a joke they can't understand.

tuno2 = member of a student musical group. 

Example: A veritable deluge of concerts has kept the members of the student musical groups busy during the last two weeks.

Tuna synonyms

tunny in spanish: atún, pronunciation: tʌni part of speech: noun tuna fish in spanish: atún, pronunciation: tunəfɪʃ part of speech: noun anguilla sucklandii in spanish: anguila sucklandii, pronunciation: æŋwɪləsəklændɪi part of speech: noun opuntia tuna in spanish: atún opuntia, pronunciation: oʊpunʃətunə part of speech: noun
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