Tumultuoso in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tumultuoso = tumultuous ; hurly-burly. 

Example: Surely these innovations already have and will continue to bring deep and wide-sweeping change to our profession - and because of their rapidity, these changes will be sudden and often tumultuous.Example: Its principles of living close to the natural world and striving for balance in all that we do provide an antidote to our hurly-burly existence.

Tumultuoso synonyms

disruptive in spanish: disruptivo, pronunciation: dɪsrʌptɪv part of speech: adjective turbulent in spanish: turbulento, pronunciation: tɜrbjələnt part of speech: adjective riotous in spanish: desenfrenado, pronunciation: raɪətəs part of speech: adjective troubled in spanish: preocupado, pronunciation: trʌbəld part of speech: adjective unquiet in spanish: inquieto, pronunciation: ənkuiet part of speech: adjective
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