Tumulto in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tumulto = uproar ; tumult ; crowd ; maddening crowd ; hustle and bustle ; hurly-burly. 

Example: The film tells of the uproar the librarian created when he extended an invitation to an advocate of theories on black inferiority to address a high school assembly.Example: This volume of essays looks to the formative processes that have shaped human relations in the midst of this century's tumult of wars, revolutions, and international confrontation.Example: The second example specifies, 'far adj3 crowd', that the two words, 'far' and 'crowd', must appear within 3 words of one another.Example: Traffic in the morning, trash at the end of the day, and a chaos of people trying to navigate the maddening crowd in between.Example: The article 'Hustle and bustle or solemn silence?' argues that changes in society require a re-examination of the library's role.Example: No, the hurly-burly of politics holds no enchantment for me, I in fact have a deep rooted scepticism and I am disillusioned about politics.


» tumulto + acabartumult + die .

Example: The tumult died as people came to their senses and integrated A/V materials into their collections and cataloguing rules.

Tumulto synonyms

turmoil in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: tɜrmɔɪl part of speech: noun commotion in spanish: conmoción, pronunciation: kəmoʊʃən part of speech: noun din in spanish: estruendo, pronunciation: dɪn part of speech: noun ruckus in spanish: lío, pronunciation: rʌkəs part of speech: noun uproar in spanish: escándalo, pronunciation: ʌprɔr part of speech: noun rumpus in spanish: lío, pronunciation: rʌmpəs part of speech: noun ruction in spanish: bronca, pronunciation: rʌkʃən part of speech: noun garboil in spanish: garboil, pronunciation: gɑrbɔɪl part of speech: noun tumultuousness in spanish: tumultuosidad, pronunciation: tumʌltʃusnəs part of speech: noun
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