Tumor in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tumor = tumour [tumor, -USA]. 

Example: This article analyses documents obtained by search based on key words with regard to their distribution in accordance with 5 basic locations of tumors in the human body.


» tumor benignobenign tumour .

Example: Uterine leiomyomas, the most common benign tumors in women, are also known as myomas, fibromyomas, or fibroids.

» tumor cancerosocancerous growthcancerous tumour .

Example: Cancerous growths less than ½ inch across (about 1¼ centimeters) usually can be cured.

Example: Cancerous tumors cut off the blood supply to organs, interfere with the production of hormones, and cause tissue death.

» tumor cerebralgliomabrain tumour .

Example: These parameters enable quantifying the essential characteristics of malignant gliomas.

Example: However, if angiogenesis becomes unregulated, it may be responsible for several disease processes such as brain tumour growth and metastasis.

» tumor de la pituitariapituitary tumour .

Example: Approximately 50% to 80% of cases of apoplexy occur in patients who were unaware of the presence of pituitary tumors before the apoplectic event.

» tumor embrionarioembryonal tumour .

Example: Embryonal tumors are the most common brain tumors in infants less than 36 months.

» tumor en los ovariosovarian tumour .

Example: Researchers have identified markers unique to the cells of blood vessels running through ovarian tumors.

» tumor malignocancerous tumourmalignant tumour .

Example: Cancerous tumors cut off the blood supply to organs, interfere with the production of hormones, and cause tissue death.

Example: For the past 4 months my wife's aunt has been fighting a malignant tumor in her brain.

» tumor ováricoovarian tumour .

Example: Researchers have identified markers unique to the cells of blood vessels running through ovarian tumors.

» tumor pituitariopituitary tumour .

Example: Approximately 50% to 80% of cases of apoplexy occur in patients who were unaware of the presence of pituitary tumors before the apoplectic event.

» tumor testiculartesticular tumour .

Example: Embryonal carcinomas account for approximately 40% of testicular tumors.

Tumor synonyms

neoplasm in spanish: neoplasma, pronunciation: niəplæzəm part of speech: noun tumour in spanish: tumor, pronunciation: tumɔr part of speech: noun
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