Tufo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tufo = stench ; pestilence ; whiff ; fug ; funk ; stink ; pong ; reek. 

Example: The stench was unbearable.Example: Much of what lies before our eyes today like a tongue of fire -- animal pestilences and the poisoning of our foodstuffs -- was already announced many years ago.Example: Some people are oblivious to the odor in the locker room after a game, while others wrinkle their noses at the slightest whiff of sweat.Example: Pork scratchings behind the bar, a well-used dartboard in the corner and a fug of smoke hanging over the tables are all hallmarks of the traditional English pub.Example: Is there some sort of magic potion I can use to get rid of the funk from my shoes?.Example: Hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds are responsible for the 'stink' of most stink bombs.Example: If you can't stand the pong of onions on your hands after cutting them for cooking, wash your hands with salt water.Example: She smells disgusting; the reek of feces is almost too much to bear.

Tufo synonyms

reek in spanish: hedor, pronunciation: rik part of speech: noun, verb stench in spanish: hedor, pronunciation: stentʃ part of speech: noun fetor in spanish: fetor, pronunciation: fitɜr part of speech: noun malodor in spanish: mal olor, pronunciation: mælədɜr part of speech: noun foetor in spanish: foetor, pronunciation: foʊtɜr part of speech: noun malodour in spanish: mal olor, pronunciation: mælədɔr part of speech: noun
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