Tuerca in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tuerca = hose ; nut. 

Example: Further down still the shank of the spindle, rounded again, entered the hose, which was an oblong rectangular wooden box, 25 cm. long by 12.5 cm. square bored with a hole to take the spindle down its long axis.Example: The movement of the bar turned the spindle through about ninety degrees, and the screw working in the nut caused it to descend about 15 mm.


» apretar las tuercaspile on + the pressure .

Example: Brussels is piling on the pressure for the UK and Spain to strike a bilateral agreement over Gibraltar.

» apretarle las tuercascrack + the whip .

Example: Having a manager who likes to crack the whip can be an unpleasant experience for many, whilst others don't mind a bit of decisive direction.

» apretarle las tuercas aput + the screws to/onput + Nombre + on the griddle .

Example: If we continue to fear and judge others, we make life a never-ending competition -- a game of putting the screws to them before they put the screws to you.

Example: Since I've already made my choice, and so have the others, now you have a chance to put us on the griddle.

» tuerca de la ruedalug nut .

Example: Mechanics recommend checking tail lights, batteries, brakes, lug nuts, leaf springs, and tail pipes.

» tuerca de mariposathumb-screwwing nut .

Example: Chases with thumb-screws in two of the sides for locking up the forme without the use of quoins were used in France and Germany until the seventeenth century.

Example: Rubber-coated handles where the front handle is ergonomically angled and fitted with a wing nut for quick adjustments without tools.

» tuerca de palometawing nut .

Example: Rubber-coated handles where the front handle is ergonomically angled and fitted with a wing nut for quick adjustments without tools.

» tuerca hexagonalhexagonal nut .

Example: Today, the hexagonal nut is used more than any other kind of nut due to its sheer versatility.

Tuerca synonyms

ball in spanish: bola, pronunciation: bɔl part of speech: noun egg in spanish: huevo, pronunciation: eg part of speech: noun crank in spanish: manivela, pronunciation: kræŋk part of speech: noun en in spanish: en, pronunciation: en part of speech: noun crackpot in spanish: chiflado, pronunciation: krækpɑt part of speech: noun testis in spanish: testículo, pronunciation: testɪs part of speech: noun gonad in spanish: gónada, pronunciation: goʊnæd part of speech: noun testicle in spanish: testículo, pronunciation: testɪkəl part of speech: noun screwball in spanish: excéntrico, pronunciation: skrubɔl part of speech: adjective, noun fruitcake in spanish: pastel de frutas, pronunciation: frutkeɪk part of speech: noun bollock in spanish: bollock, pronunciation: bɑlək part of speech: noun nutcase in spanish: pirado, pronunciation: nʌtkeɪs part of speech: noun ballock in spanish: ballock, pronunciation: bælək part of speech: noun
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