Tubo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tubo = duct ; tube ; pipe ; vial ; conduit ; tubing. 

Example: An inherent difficulty posed by this, however, is that the flexibility sought in this way is limited by the inflexibility imposed by cables, ducts, etc.Example: As the water passes through the sand, unwanted debris is removed and 'clean' water is picked up by tubes on the bottom of the filter.Example: This article describes the discovery of a burst pipe and subsequent flood at a university library in Tennessee in the winter of 1995/96.Example: When overpressure in the vial occurs due to microbial growth (e.g., gas production by fermentation) remove excess gas by puncturing the septum with a sterile injection needle.Example: The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.Example: So the drain is basically a piece of tubing that runs from the sunroof to the inner fenders.


» alumbrado de tubosstrip lighting .

Example: Millions of women have been given their starkest warning yet that they risked developing breast cancer by working under strip lighting.

» bucear con gafas y tubosnorkel .

Example: He was killed by a crocodile while snorkelling in a supposedly safe stretch of sea off the north coast.

» buceo con gafas y tubosnorkel(l)ing .

Example: Fiji is without doubt the best of the South Pacific destinations for both scuba diving and snorkelling.

» conducir por medio de tubosduct .

Example: If ammonia gas is used, care must be taken to duct the gas through an external ventilator to prevent the operator being overcome by fumes.

» de tubo de rayos catódicosCRT-based .

Example: Typical CRT-based VDUs emit several types of radiation including light, electromagnetic fields, electrostatic fields, acoustical noise.

» gafas y tubo de bucearsnorkel .

Example: However, if you are a fairly new swimmer, you might want to consider using a snorkel to help you get more comfortable in the water.

» gas del tubo de escapeexhaust fumeexhaust gasexhaust .

Example: This article describes potential health risks of diesel exhaust fumes to students riding school buses.

Example: Diurnal carbon dioxice concentration seems to be controlled by wind velocity and the amount of exhaust gases from fossil fuel burning.

Example: The article focuses on the dangers of mold, pesticides, diesel exhaust, and radon.

» humo del tubo de escapeexhaust gasexhaust fumeexhaust .

Example: Diurnal carbon dioxice concentration seems to be controlled by wind velocity and the amount of exhaust gases from fossil fuel burning.

Example: This article describes potential health risks of diesel exhaust fumes to students riding school buses.

Example: The article focuses on the dangers of mold, pesticides, diesel exhaust, and radon.

» llave de tubotubular box spanner .

Example: If you cannot afford to buy a socket spanner set then inexpensive tubular box spanners are a useful alternative.

» órgano de tubospipe organ .

Example: The decline of the pipe organ was particularly surprising given Italy's history as the epicentre of church music.

» por un tubogaloreaplenty [a-plenty]a whole lotta [Abreviatura coloquial de a whole lot of]loadsenough to sink a (battle)shipcoming out of + Posesivo + ears .

Example: There have been promises galore made to delegation after delegation of the film industry, but all the promises have been just promises, hollow and empty.

Example: The article 'CD-ROM licenses: pitfalls aplenty!' advises how to deal with the licenses which subscribers are required to sign on purchase of CD-ROM products for use in libraries = El artículo "Las licencias de CD-ROM: ¡dificultades a montón!" aconseja cómo negociar las licencias que los suscriptores tienen que firmar al comprar productos CD-ROM para uso en la biblioteca.

Example: Only 'calculators' then were noisy machines with cranks; to multiply, you cranked a whole lotta additions.

Example: You can get great products without spending loads -- you just have to shop around a bit.

Example: The evening kicked off with drinks at the bar and enough food to sink a ship, so stomachs were lined for what lay ahead.

Example: But the American man and woman on the street -- the ones with two kids, a mortgage and bills coming out of their ears -- stand powerless as their jobs vanish.

» sistema de tubos neumáticospneumatic tube system [Red de tubos que algunas grandes empresas utilizan para transportar pequeños objetos rápidamente de una parte del edificio a otra colocándolos en recipientes apropiados que se insertan en los tubos y desplazándolos mediante corrientes de aire] .

Example: Pneumatic tube systems are not really suitable for transporting books but are excellent for request forms.

» tubo de aire calientehot air duct .

Example: The capacity of the drier was 650 kg of ear corn which was 40 cm deep over the hot air ducts.

» tubo de cartóncardboard roll .

Example: Occasionally charts or maps are rolled up and stored in cardboard rolls housed in a structure like an umbrella stand.

» tubo de cobrecopper pipe .

Example: If we want to find everything on copper pipes, we shall have to search every entry under copper.

» tubo de descargadischarge pipe .

Example: My sump pump discharge pipe was joined with a union by a plumber years ago.

» tubo de drenajegrommet .

Example: The cut in the eardrum made for the grommet normally heals quickly when the grommet falls out.

» tubo de ensayotest tube .

Example: Colour intensity was compared by means of test tubes.

» tubo de escapeexhausttail pipeexhaust pipe .

Example: The article focuses on the dangers of mold, pesticides, diesel exhaust, and radon.

Example: Mechanics recommend checking tail lights, batteries, brakes, lug nuts, leaf springs, and tail pipes.

Example: Works shown involved the transformation of commonplace industrial objects and materials into decorative arts objects (e.g., a standing lamp made from an exhaust pipe).

» tubo de la estufastovepipe .

Example: Stovepipes, like stoves, radiate heat and if they are installed close to combustible materials a fire can result.

» tubo de oxígenooxygen line .

Example: Early waist gunner positions were directly across from each other, often causing the gunners to bump into one another and getting entangled in each other's oxygen lines.

» tubo de vaciadodischarge pipe .

Example: My sump pump discharge pipe was joined with a union by a plumber years ago.

» tubo de ventilacióngrommet .

Example: The cut in the eardrum made for the grommet normally heals quickly when the grommet falls out.

» tubo digestivo, eldigestive tract, thealimentary canal, thealimentary tract, thedigestive canal, thedigestive tube, the .

Example: The innate immune system in breast milk is complex and provides protection for the developing digestive tract of newborns.

Example: The alimentary canal includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.

Example: One of the most common locations for a foreign body is the alimentary tract.

Example: In conclusion, I would remark that our knowledge of the fate of lecithin in the digestive canal under normal conditions is very deficient.

Example: The esophagus is the narrowest part of the digestive tube, and food spends only a few seconds traveling through it.

» tubo fluorescentefluorescent lampfluorescent tubefluorescent lightstrip light .

Example: Under fluorescent lamps students developed fewer dental cavities and had better attendance, achievement, and growth and development than students under other lights.

Example: This article describes techniques for making laboratory glassware from discarded bottles, fluorescent tubes, and light bulbs.

Example: The subjects were more comfortable and relaxed in the experimental room in which the fluorescent lights were replaced by lights simulating sunshine.

Example: Strip lights can become a nightmare when they start to flicker.

» tubo lanzatorpedostorpedo tube .

Example: She was the only ship fitted with torpedo tubes, instead of torpedo launchers, during the war.

» tubo para respirarair hose .

Example: He looked like an astronaut in the diving suit, but with big metal boots and a helmet with an air hose out the back of it.

» vestido tubosheathsheath dress .

Example: Some of the flapper dresses of the 1920s were sheaths, and were considered too " naked" to be appropriate.

Example: Pear shaped gals tend to battle with the fit of straight sheath dresses -- when the dress fits on top, it's too snug on the bottom.

Tubo synonyms

pipe in spanish: tubo, pronunciation: paɪp part of speech: noun metro in spanish: metro, pronunciation: metroʊ part of speech: noun underground in spanish: subterráneo, pronunciation: ʌndɜrgraʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun subway in spanish: subterraneo, pronunciation: sʌbweɪ part of speech: noun tubing in spanish: tubería, pronunciation: tubɪŋ part of speech: noun vacuum tube in spanish: tubo vacío, pronunciation: vækjumtub part of speech: noun electron tube in spanish: tubo de electrones, pronunciation: ɪlektrɑntub part of speech: noun thermionic tube in spanish: tubo termoionico, pronunciation: θɜrmiɑnɪktub part of speech: noun thermionic valve in spanish: válvula termoiónica, pronunciation: θɜrmiɑnɪkvælv part of speech: noun thermionic vacuum tube in spanish: tubo de vacío termoiónico, pronunciation: θɜrmiɑnɪkvækjumtub part of speech: noun tube-shaped structure in spanish: estructura en forma de tubo, pronunciation: tubʃeɪptstrəktʃɜr part of speech: noun
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