Tu in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

1 = you ; thou. 

Example: I am glad of the opportunity to discuss this subject for several reasons: firstly, I have been interested in it for some time and would like to share some of my thoughts with you.Example: The article 'Thou shalt not read: banned books for children' argues that the obligation of librarians to young adults is to offer a broad range of choices that entertain, comfort, enlighten and inspire them.


» entre tú y yobetween you and mebetween ourselves .

Example: That's why it's also correct to to keep the secret 'between you and me'.

Example: Just between ourselves - and please, not a word to anyone -- this is the new official web site, available now via your computer.

» si quieres que algo te salga bien, hazlo tú mismoif you want something done right, do it yourself .

Example: Unfortunately, it's all too tempting to follow that old mantra, 'If you want something done right, do it yourself'.

» tan + Adjetivo + como tú y como yoas + Adjetivo + as the next guy .

Example: He understands that he is just as much a wretch as the next guy, regardless of the degree or severity of the sin.

» tú controlas tu (propio) destinoyou are your own man .

Example: Dont let anyone defy who you are, dont be dependent on others to justify who you are, you are your own man.

» tú hazme casotake it from me .

Example: 'Take it from me, elections matter,' Gore said = "Créeme, las elecciones importan", dijo Gore.

» tú te lo guisas, tú te lo comesyou've made your bed, now you must lie in it! .

Example: After all, "you've made your bed, now you must lie in it," so there's no sense complaining.

tu2 = your ; thy. 

Example: And there is a basis for your belief: money.Example: Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song.
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