Trío in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trío = trio ; trio ; threesome. 

Example: Many subjects lend themselves to a quasi-arithmetical arrangement, eg music: solos, duets, trios, etc.Example: When the mission of the public library in society is pondered, the trio of education, information and recreation is frequently injected glibly into the conversation.Example: This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.

Trío synonyms

iii in spanish: iii, pronunciation: ɪɪi part of speech: noun three in spanish: Tres, pronunciation: θri part of speech: noun, adjective triad in spanish: tríada, pronunciation: traɪæd part of speech: noun trinity in spanish: trinidad, pronunciation: trɪnəti part of speech: noun leash in spanish: Correa, pronunciation: liʃ part of speech: noun troika in spanish: troica, pronunciation: trɔɪkə part of speech: noun trey in spanish: trey, pronunciation: treɪ part of speech: noun 3 in spanish: 3, pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective trine in spanish: trígono, pronunciation: traɪn part of speech: noun threesome in spanish: grupo de tres, pronunciation: θrisəm part of speech: noun triplet in spanish: trillizo, pronunciation: trɪplət part of speech: noun tierce in spanish: tierce, pronunciation: tɪrs part of speech: noun ternary in spanish: ternario, pronunciation: tɜrneri part of speech: adjective tercet in spanish: tercet, pronunciation: tɜrsət part of speech: noun terzetto in spanish: terzetto, pronunciation: tɜrzetoʊ part of speech: noun ternion in spanish: Ternion, pronunciation: tɜrnjən part of speech: noun deuce-ace in spanish: Deuce-Ace, pronunciation: duseɪs part of speech: noun
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