Truhan in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

truhan = knave ; rascal. 

Example: I will not open my mouth to utter a single word while I am in the company of such knaves.Example: And although they may pose themselves as very religious, they are simply rascals.

Truhan synonyms

knave in spanish: bribón, pronunciation: neɪv part of speech: noun rascal in spanish: bribón, pronunciation: ræskəl part of speech: noun varlet in spanish: truhán, pronunciation: vɑrlət part of speech: noun rapscallion in spanish: rapscallion, pronunciation: ræpskæljən part of speech: noun scallywag in spanish: canalla, pronunciation: skæliwæg part of speech: noun scalawag in spanish: pícaro, pronunciation: skæləwæg part of speech: noun
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