Trozo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trozos = odds and ends ; bits and pieces ; bits and bobs. 

Example: Ephemeral jobs are likely to have been printed on such odds and ends of paper -- remnants and the like -- as were available in the warehouse.Example: At the same time, indigenous knowledge has become more fragmented and specialised as scientists and humanitarians pick at the bits and pieces that fit with their interests and disciplines.Example: There she found a plastic sleeve with all sorts of invoices in it and other bits and bobs.

trozo = chunk ; piece ; portion ; shred ; slice ; gobbet ; fragment ; snippet ; morsel ; broken piece ; hunk ; dollop ; section ; length ; shard ; snip. 

Example: So there is at least that big chunk of a file which is already a rather coherent catalog.Example: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.Example: An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.Example: The article 'Shreds and patches: macrostatistics on libraries in the European Community' is a summary of the results of a study to compile economic and statistical data.Example: A number of identical integrated circuits are usually made side by side on a single slice of silicon.Example: This material includes case studies, games, and model making kits, each containing a pre-digested gobbet of information.Example: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Example: Automation in libraries can only provide snippets of information, not knowledge.Example: The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.Example: Using charred bits of wood from campfires, broken pieces of clay pots, and stone spearpoints and arrowheads, the archaeologist investigates the past.Example: This is especially good if you cut a turkey breast in hunks and marinade overnight then grill.Example: These chocolate dollops will disappear as quickly as you make them -- the kids will love them.Example: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.Example: To get started, you will need a few lengths of plumbing pipes from the hardware store.Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.Example: If you missed it, here was a snip of our live music last Thursday!.


» a trozospiecewise .

Example: The constructed piecewise model generates the same portion of curve as the original one.

» colocar un trozo de maceta sobre el agujero de drenajecrock + the pot [Con objeto de que las raíces o la tierra no lo obstruya] .

Example: Having crocked the pot, fill it loosely with the cutting mix, making a hole with the hand for the reception of the bulb.

» colocar un trozo de tiesto sobre el agujero de drenajecrock + the pot [Con objeto de que las raíces o la tierra no lo obstruya] .

Example: Having crocked the pot, fill it loosely with the cutting mix, making a hole with the hand for the reception of the bulb.

» compuesto de trozospiecewise .

Example: The constructed piecewise model generates the same portion of curve as the original one.

» con trozospiecewise .

Example: The constructed piecewise model generates the same portion of curve as the original one.

» cortar en trozoscut + Nombre + upchop .

Example: They tortured her into revealing her Pin number and safe code before cutting her up and disposing of her in bin liners.

Example: This chopping knife is ideal for chopping, dicing and slicing vegetables, meat, herbs and other ingredients.

» dividir en trozossplit into + bits .

Example: In practice, once the barriers are broken down in children antagonistic to reading, everything blends into the flux of a whole experience split into bits only by the dictates of a school timetable.

» en trozos digeriblesbite-size .

Example: But what about the fact that twelve basketfuls of bread were left over -- already broken into bite-size pieces?.

» en trozos digestiblesbite-size .

Example: But what about the fact that twelve basketfuls of bread were left over -- already broken into bite-size pieces?.

» en trozos masticablesbite-size .

Example: But what about the fact that twelve basketfuls of bread were left over -- already broken into bite-size pieces?.

» hecho de trozospiecewise .

Example: The constructed piecewise model generates the same portion of curve as the original one.

» pedir por trozosorder by + the slice [Usado generalmente en las pizzerías para pedir trozos de diferentes tipos de pizzas] .

Example: We chose to order by the slice so everyone could get what they wanted.

» trozo descrap of .

Example: This book suggests ways for children to work successfully with scraps of wood by carving, sawing, hammering, nailing or gluing pieces together.

» trozo de carnecut of meat .

Example: Whole cuts of meat usually only have E. coli on the surface, which makes them easier to kill by cooking.

» trozo de césped arrancadodivot [divet] [Usado generalmente tanto para la depresión como para la plasta de césped que el jugador de golf a veces hac o levanta al intentar golpear la bola] .

Example: The only problem with divots is when you walk along the golf course and see them strewn about like so much 'Fairway Roadkill'.

» trozo de informacióntidbit [titbit, -USA]titbit [tidbit, -UK] .

Example: The stories are told in the breathless voice of a gossip, full of juicy tidbits, and a shrewd understanding of what makes one life connect to another.

Example: Her young companion was exceedingly perturbed by this titbit of news; he knew that Kate Lespran was not one to make empty threats.

» trozo de limónslice of lemon .

Example: This works because everybody knows that if you put a slice of lemon into a drink or squeeze it onto food, it cancels out the calories.

» trozo de macetaa piece of + broken crock [Usado generalmente para cubrir el agüjero de una maceta de modo que no se bloquee y se favorezca el drenaje] .

Example: Place a piece of broken crock over the hole in the base of the pot to maintain good drainage.

» trozo de papelslipscrap of paper .

Example: Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.

Example: All you need to get started is an idea, a sketch, or a scrap of paper.

» trozo de pielskin .

Example: A strip of paper or vellum was pasted on to the spine to reinforce it, and a skin of the right size was stuck down over the spine and the outside of both boards.

» trozo de telastrip of cloth .

Example: Pilgrims journeyed to the cathedral to view the Veil of the Virgin, a strip of cloth believed to have been worn by the Virgin Mary at the Nativity of Christ.

» trozo de tiestoa piece of + broken crock [Usado generalmente para cubrir el agüjero de una maceta de modo que no se bloquee y se favorezca el drenaje] .

Example: Place a piece of broken crock over the hole in the base of the pot to maintain good drainage.

» trozo de vasijapotsherdpotsherd .

Example: The carbonaceous remains on the surface of the potsherds could be ancient food residues or soot from fuel for cooking.

Example: The carbonaceous remains on the surface of the potsherds could be ancient food residues or soot from fuel for cooking.

» trozosodds and endsbits and piecesbits and bobs .

Example: Ephemeral jobs are likely to have been printed on such odds and ends of paper -- remnants and the like -- as were available in the warehouse.

Example: At the same time, indigenous knowledge has become more fragmented and specialised as scientists and humanitarians pick at the bits and pieces that fit with their interests and disciplines.

Example: There she found a plastic sleeve with all sorts of invoices in it and other bits and bobs.

» un trozo dea length ofa piece ofa snatch ofa stretch ofa scrap of .

Example: A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.

Example: In a classification scheme each subject is allocated a piece of notation, and that notation is used to represent the subject.

Example: Here is a snatch of Garner's version: 'I was in a fine rage, and should liked to have kicked him, but it was no good, there wasn't enough of him to get my boot against'.

Example: He was killed by a crocodile while snorkelling in a supposedly safe stretch of sea off the north coast.

Example: This muff took me less than 2 hours to make and cost me nothing, because I used an old coat too ugly and stained to donate, and a scrap of fabric I had lying around.

Trozo synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun spell in spanish: deletrear, pronunciation: spel part of speech: noun, verb part in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun while in spanish: mientras, pronunciation: waɪl part of speech: noun patch in spanish: parche, pronunciation: pætʃ part of speech: noun pick in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: pɪk part of speech: verb composition in spanish: composición, pronunciation: kɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun opus in spanish: opus, pronunciation: oʊpəs part of speech: noun assemble in spanish: montar, pronunciation: əsembəl part of speech: verb set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective slice in spanish: rebanada, pronunciation: slaɪs part of speech: noun, verb nibble in spanish: picar, pronunciation: nɪbəl part of speech: verb, noun firearm in spanish: arma de fuego, pronunciation: faɪɜrɑrm part of speech: noun put together in spanish: juntar, pronunciation: pʊttəgeðɜr part of speech: verb, adverb musical composition in spanish: composicion musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlkɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun piece of music in spanish: pieza musical, pronunciation: pisʌvmjuzɪk part of speech: noun small-arm in spanish: brazo pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlɑrm part of speech: noun
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