Troya in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

Troya = Troy. 

Example: Achilles disguised himself as a woman but unfortunately he was revealed by Odysseus and forced to join the army against Troy = Achilles disguised himself as a woman but unfortunately he was revealed by Odysseus and forced to join the army against Troy.


» caballo de TroyaTrojan horse [Virus informático]Trojan Horse .

Example: The article 'Computer viruses, Logic bombs, Trojan horses and Worms: 'badware' in computers' reviews the different sorts of badware and what problems they cause.

Example: The article 'Public library: the Trojan Horse covenant' argues that too much emphasis is now placed on the privatisation of libraries, their transformation into information centres and collections which mirror current demands.

Troya synonyms

ilium in spanish: ilion, pronunciation: ɪliəm part of speech: noun ilion in spanish: ilion, pronunciation: ɪljən part of speech: noun troy weight in spanish: peso troy, pronunciation: trɔɪweɪt part of speech: noun
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