Trote in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trotar = trot. 

Example: She contends that when he neighs and trots like a horse, Gulliver shows that he is one of the new atheists inspired by Spinoza.

trote = trot. 

Example: Jogging, a form of aerobic exercise, is the act of running at a slow trot.


» no estar ya para trotesbe no spring chicken .

Example: He's such a slow coach -- I run faster than him and am no spring chicken.

Trote synonyms

clip in spanish: acortar, pronunciation: klɪp part of speech: noun crib in spanish: cuna, pronunciation: krɪb part of speech: noun pony in spanish: poni, pronunciation: poʊni part of speech: noun lope in spanish: correr a paso largo, pronunciation: loʊp part of speech: noun jog in spanish: empujoncito, pronunciation: dʒɑg part of speech: noun, verb
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