pronunciation: none
part of speech: none
troquel = die.
Example: But the advent of blocking in gold and blind with brass dies (1832) took cloth binding into a new dimension.
Troquel synonyms
in spanish: ir,
pronunciation: goʊ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: descanso,
pronunciation: breɪk
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: salida,
pronunciation: egzɪt
part of speech: noun
in spanish: fallar,
pronunciation: feɪl
part of speech: verb
in spanish: féretro,
pronunciation: pɑl
part of speech: noun
in spanish: dado,
pronunciation: daɪs
part of speech: noun
in spanish: perecer,
pronunciation: perɪʃ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: expirar,
pronunciation: ɪkspaɪr
part of speech: verb
break down
in spanish: Descompostura,
pronunciation: breɪkdaʊn
part of speech: verb
in spanish: fallecimiento,
pronunciation: dɪsis
part of speech: noun
give out
in spanish: repartir,
pronunciation: gɪvaʊt
part of speech: verb
pass away
in spanish: fallecer,
pronunciation: pæsəweɪ
part of speech: verb
give way
in spanish: Ceder el paso,
pronunciation: gɪvweɪ
part of speech: verb
die out
in spanish: morir,
pronunciation: daɪaʊt
part of speech: verb
conk out
in spanish: escoñarse,
pronunciation: kɑŋkaʊt
part of speech: verb
become flat
in spanish: volverse plano,
pronunciation: bɪkʌmflæt
part of speech: verb