Tropical in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tropical = tropical. 

Example: This study attempts to identify the journals publishing articles on onchocerciasis -- a disease also known as river-blindness occurring in tropical Africa and Latin America.


» acuario tropicaltropical aquarium .

Example: Tropical aquariums require filters, heaters, lights and pumps, as well as decor, plants and numerous water treatments.

» año tropicaltropical year .

Example: The Gregorian calendar was constructed to give a close approximation to the tropical year, which is the actual length of time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun.

» ciclón tropicaltropical cyclone .

Example: Tropical cyclones are intense low pressure systems that form over tropical oceans.

» clima tropicaltropical climatetropical weather .

Example: Because they come from a tropical climate, French beans need a warm soil in which to germinate and grow.

Example: With its tropical weather, crystal blue seas, and colourful marine life, Thailand is a perfect place to go scuba diving.

» enfermedad tropicaltropical disease .

Example: The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.

» isla tropicaltropical island .

Example: French explorer and adventurer Xavier Rosset is about to embark on a 300 day trip to live alone on a remote tropical island in the South Pacific.

» mar tropicaltropical sea .

Example: Fin whales are found in all oceans of the world, though they seem to prefer temperate and polar waters to tropical seas.

» medicina tropicaltropical medicine .

Example: A brief account of the life of Sir Ronald Ross and his contributions to tropical medicine, public health, epidemiology and literature is given = Se presenta un breve relato de la vida de Sir Ronald Ross y su contribución a la medicina tropical, la salud pública y la epidemiología.

» océano tropicaltropical ocean .

Example: Tropical cyclones are intense low pressure systems that form over tropical oceans.

» país tropicaltropical country .

Example: As tropical countries become common travellers' destinations, more and more returning travellers are expected to present cutaneous lesions secondary to myias.

» pájaro tropicaltropical bird .

Example: Tropical birds arrived with a flourish this past week, bringing color and joy to the area.

» pez tropicaltropical fish .

Example: Dressed to the nines, the three characters shimmer like tropical fish beached in the desert.

» planta tropicaltropical plant .

Example: It must be acknowledged that the vast majority of true tropical and subtropical plants will usually not grow well in temperate climates.

» selva tropicaltropical rain foresttropical forestrainforest [rain forest] .

Example: Exchange of CO2 has been measured on a variety of ecosystems worldwide including grasslands, savannahs, tropical rain forests as well as arctic tundra.

Example: Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.

Example: The coastal temperate rain forests of north-western North America are internationally renowned as the archetypal expression of the temperate rain forest biome.

» selva tropical costeracoastal rainforest .

Example: Over the past decade concern over the destruction of the world's coastal rainforests has reached global proportions.

» tormenta tropicaltropical stormtropical thunderstorm .

Example: Coastal residents breathed a sigh of relief when the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm.

Example: A tropical thunderstorm interrupted the marching, but the parade continued as soon as the rain let up.

Tropical synonyms

hot in spanish: caliente, pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective figurative in spanish: figurativo, pronunciation: fɪgjɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective tropic in spanish: trópico, pronunciation: trɑpɪk part of speech: noun, adjective equatorial in spanish: ecuatorial, pronunciation: ikwətɔriəl part of speech: adjective nonliteral in spanish: no literal, pronunciation: nɑnlɪtɜrəl part of speech: adjective
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