Tropel in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures



» en tropelpell-mell .

Example: The human race armed with religion, poisoned by prejudice, and absolutely frantic with hatred and fear, is galloping pell-mell back to the Dark Ages.

» huir en tropelstampede .

Example: The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.

» salir en tropelstampede .

Example: The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.

Tropel synonyms

pack in spanish: paquete, pronunciation: pæk part of speech: noun, verb jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun pile in spanish: pila, pronunciation: paɪl part of speech: noun mob in spanish: multitud, pronunciation: mɑb part of speech: noun multitude in spanish: multitud, pronunciation: mʌltətud part of speech: noun concourse in spanish: concurso, pronunciation: kɑnkɔrs part of speech: noun
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