Tropa in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tropa = troop ; host. 

Example: Even Hannibal's crossing of the Alps in 218 B.C., with his Carthaginian troops and equipment, was a remarkable organizational feat.Example: This song is about what happened when our valley was attacked by the hosts of Mordor.


» guarnecer con tropasgarrison .

Example: Saint Helena was garrisoned by the British during the 17th century.

» lanzamiento de tropas en paracaídasairdrop .

Example: If we are denied humanitarian access, we'll carry out a program for air bridges and airdrops to all of those areas in need.

» lanzar tropas en paracaídasairdrop .

Example: The US and UK have been holding talks to explore ways to airdrop food and medical supplies to besieged areas in Syria.

» la tropathe rank and file .

Example: The leader of the the Labor Party thinks membership is too blokey and has started a recruitment drive to attain a 50-50 gender split among the rank and file.

» tropa de tierraground troop .

Example: The use of anti-aircraft artillery against ground troops was frowned upon at the start of that conflict.

» tropassoldiery .

Example: Domitian had been arbitrary and high-handed, and had heaped favours on the soldiery while humiliating the senate.

» tropas de a piefoot troops [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: I love foot troops and these guys will certainly be used to the max in my games.

» tropas de asaltoshock troopsassault troops .

Example: Universities are engaged in a global arms race of publication; and academics are the shock troops of the struggle.

Example: They were equipped with the standard fare of assault troops, large round shields and javelins.

» tropas de choqueshock troopsassault troops .

Example: Universities are engaged in a global arms race of publication; and academics are the shock troops of the struggle.

Example: They were equipped with the standard fare of assault troops, large round shields and javelins.

» tropas de guarnicióngarrison troops .

Example: The Saxon garrison troops are certainly in general much more colourful than Prussian garrison troops.

» tropa terrestreground troop .

Example: The use of anti-aircraft artillery against ground troops was frowned upon at the start of that conflict.

» vehículo blindado para el transporte de tropasarmoured personnel carrierpersonnel carrier .

Example: A roadside bomb struck a US armored personnel carrier in Baghdad, killing all seven American soldiers inside.

Example: Each platoon's personnel carriers followed the dismounted elements of the platoon.

Tropa synonyms

flock in spanish: rebaño, pronunciation: flɑk part of speech: noun parade in spanish: desfile, pronunciation: pɜreɪd part of speech: noun promenade in spanish: paseo, pronunciation: prɑməneɪd part of speech: noun scout group in spanish: grupo scout, pronunciation: skaʊtgrup part of speech: noun scout troop in spanish: tropa de exploración, pronunciation: skaʊttrup part of speech: noun
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