Trompa in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trompa = trunk. 

Example: In human terms the trunk represents the elephant's nose and upper lip with the two nostrils running through its full length.


» de las trompastubal .

Example: Around 25-30% of these females were found to have tubal damage .

» ligadura de trompastubal ligation .

Example: Laparoscopy is typically used to perform tubal ligation in women.

» trompa de cazacorn .

Example: This article surveys hunting themes incorporated into coats of arms, including prey animals, such as stags, wolves, bears, and foxes; hounds and falcons; and hunting equipment such as horns, bows and arrows, and spears.

» trompa de FalopioFallopian tube .

Example: But while under the anaesthetic her Fallopian tubes were removed without her consent.

» trompa de pistonesFrench horn .

Example: In his orchestras he had a bass trumpet, three trombones, a bass tuba, four French horns and four tubas.

trompa2 = French horn. 

Example: In his orchestras he had a bass trumpet, three trombones, a bass tuba, four French horns and four tubas.


» trompa de llavesFrench horn .

Example: In his orchestras he had a bass trumpet, three trombones, a bass tuba, four French horns and four tubas.

Trompa synonyms

trumpet in spanish: trompeta, pronunciation: trʌmpət part of speech: noun cornet in spanish: cucurucho, pronunciation: kɔrnet part of speech: noun tusk in spanish: colmillo, pronunciation: tʌsk part of speech: noun french horn in spanish: cuerno francés, pronunciation: frentʃhɔrn part of speech: noun motor horn in spanish: bocina del motor, pronunciation: moʊtɜrhɔrn part of speech: noun car horn in spanish: bocina, pronunciation: kɑrhɔrn part of speech: noun automobile horn in spanish: bocina de automóvil, pronunciation: ɔtəmoʊbilhɔrn part of speech: noun
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