Triángulo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

triangular = triangulate ; triangular. 

Example: The author discusses the advantages of using meta search engines for searching the World Wide Web as an alternative to using several search engines and triangulating the results.Example: It is designed to recognise elliptic, rectangular, and triangular shapes in a way similar to human cognition of these shapes.

triángulo = triangle. 

Example: Subfields within a field are indicated by the highlighted upside-down triangle <&#9660;> for ease of recognition.


» con forma de triángulotriangle-shaped .

Example: Sometimes they have little triangle-shaped cakes that are a must-eat.

» en forma de triángulotriangle-shaped .

Example: Sometimes they have little triangle-shaped cakes that are a must-eat.

» triángulo agudoacute triangle .

Example: A triangle which is neither an acute (less than 90° angles) nor a right triangle (i.e., it has one greater than 90° angle) is called an obtuse triangle.

» triángulo amorosolove triangle .

Example: Harris' defence attorney attempted to portray her as an upstanding, well-bred member of the community, and as a powerless, unwilling part of a love triangle.

» triángulo de las Bermudas, elBermuda Triangle, the .

Example: We're all puzzled by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared into the blue leaving no trace at all.

» triángulo de quesocheese triangle .

Example: Cheese triangles have got to be one of the chavviest foodstuffs around.

» triángulo equiláteroequilateral triangle .

Example: An equilateral triangle is therefore a special case of an isosceles triangle having not just two, but all three sides equal.

» triángulo escalenoscalene triangle .

Example: A scalene triangle is one in which all three sides have different lengths.

» triángulo isóscelesisosceles triangle .

Example: An equilateral triangle is therefore a special case of an isosceles triangle having not just two, but all three sides equal.

» triángulo obtusoobtuse triangle .

Example: A triangle which is neither an acute (less than 90° angles) nor a right triangle (i.e., it has one greater than 90° angle) is called an obtuse triangle.

» triángulo rectánguloright(-angled) triangle .

Example: That's a right-angled triangle, but you may call it a thingimajig if you like; it doesn't matter about the name.

» triángulo reflectantewarning trianglereflective triangle .

Example: Drivers must carry warning triangles and use them whenever they have stopped on a roadway for any reason, to warn traffic behind that there is an obstruction ahead - even if they have also activated their hazard lights.

Example: Warning cones or reflective triangles must be carried on tow trucks and should be placed at strategic points alerting other drivers to hazards and giving them time to react.

Triángulo synonyms

trigon in spanish: trigon, pronunciation: trɪgən part of speech: noun trilateral in spanish: trilátero, pronunciation: traɪlætɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
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