Triunfo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

triunfar = make + a success of ; triumph ; come up + trumps ; prove + trumps ; win + the day ; prove + a win ; hit + the big time ; hit it out of + the park ; knock it out of + the park ; win + big ; bring + home the bacon ; make it ; carry + the day ; make it + big ; do + great ; ace. 

Example: As his confidence grows, he begins to make a success of his scavenging, becoming an underground entrepreneur and an explorer of the world beneath the streets.Example: With the right ingredients put together so that virtue triumphs and wickedness is punished a very satisfying story can be produced.Example: The article 'Clumps come up trumps' reviews four clump projects now at the end of their funding period = The article 'Clumps come up trumps' reviews four clump projects now at the end of their funding period.Example: This new software will prove trumps for Microsoft = This new software will prove trumps for Microsoft.Example: All argument in favour of the change was rejected by the library users and local esteem for the library won the day.Example: These search methods sometimes prove a win.Example: The word 'humongous' first darted onto the linguistic stage only about 1968 but hit the big time almost immediately and has been with us ever since.Example: We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.Example: It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.Example: France wins big in European Swimming Championships.Example: Offensively, the fella who's brought home the bacon in the last two games is Brent Egbert.Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.Example: Elections have come and gone, and as it has been in the past, tribalism carried the day.Example: They are in a race to make a fast buck and make it big.Example: The new CEO is finding her sea legs leading the organization and I expect her to do great over time.Example: She repeated fifth grade so that she would be in class with children her same age, so she aced it.


» dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfargive + Nombre + a fighting chance .

Example: This book is about the teaching, instruction, and curricula required to give diverse learners a fighting chance in today's classroom as well as outside the classroom.

» tener alguna posibilidad de triunfarhave + a fighting chancebe in with a fighting chance .

Example: At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.

Example: I'm very happy to be still in with a fighting chance of qualification and I know it's down to me.

» triunfar conhit + a home run .

Example: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.

» triunfar en el mundosucceed in + the world .

Example: You must be a bit sly sometimes to succeed in the world.

» triunfar en la vidasucceed in + life .

Example: The most famous person to drop out of college who still succeeded in life is no doubt Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

» triunfar sobrewin out over .

Example: One of the problems with Internet or Web based information retrieval is that quantity always wins out over quality.

» una oportunidad de triunfara fighting chance .

Example: The first essay, 'A Fighting Chance,' discusses the environment for educational reform in the 1970's.

triunfo = triumph ; win ; accomplishment. 

Example: One of the real triumphs of cataloging is that cataloging rules based on Charles Ammi Cutter's work of a century ago have been effective over such a very long time.Example: The article is entitled 'Another win for Louis Braille: audio books gain in popularity'.Example: At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.


» arco de triunfotriumphal arch .

Example: Florence used the occasion to boost its international prestige by creating a triumphal arch adorned with inscriptions and sculptures.

» beneficiarse del triunfo ajenobask in + reflected glory .

Example: Instead of working hard to succeed, we always try to bask in reflected glory.

» disfrutar del triunfo ajenobask in + reflected glory .

Example: Instead of working hard to succeed, we always try to bask in reflected glory.

» triunfo ajenoreflected glory .

Example: But with all the reflected glory from Austen's books, the movie never truly shines on its own.

» triunfo deportivosport(s) triumph .

Example: My favorite personal sports triumph was when I ran in a 10k race about 15 years ago.

» triunfo personala feather in + Posesivo + cap .

Example: It's definitely a feather in her cap but only she knows the truth, it was a shot in the dark .

Triunfo synonyms

prevail in spanish: prevalecer, pronunciation: prɪveɪl part of speech: verb revel in spanish: jaranear, pronunciation: revəl part of speech: noun, verb crow in spanish: cuervo, pronunciation: kroʊ part of speech: noun wallow in spanish: revolcarse por, pronunciation: wɑloʊ part of speech: verb, noun gloat in spanish: relamerse, pronunciation: gloʊt part of speech: verb rejoice in spanish: alegrarse, pronunciation: rɪdʒɔɪs part of speech: verb exult in spanish: exultar, pronunciation: ɪgzʌlt part of speech: verb victory in spanish: victoria, pronunciation: vɪktɜri part of speech: noun jubilate in spanish: jubilar, pronunciation: dʒubəleɪt part of speech: verb
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