Tristeza in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tristeza = sorrow ; sadness ; gloom. 

Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, Journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., Electric meters, Electric power plants, Joy and sorrow).Example: Suddenly she was consumed by a feeling of sadness.Example: However, short breaks and budget flights are exceptions to the general travel gloom.


» con cara de tristezasad-looking .

Example: The lone fruitmonger displayed baskets of sad-looking apples on a countertop, and didn't bother to announce them with a shout or a chant.

» con tristezawistfullyin sadnessmournfully .

Example: He said that growing up during the depression he always looked back wistfully to the 1920s age of flappers as an era of freedom he had missed.

Example: As he picked up the shredded remains of his clothes he shook his head in sadness.

Example: The cabin attendant shook her head mournfully and gruffly handed me a chickpea salad, bread roll and fruit salad.

» en la tristezain sadness .

Example: As he picked up the shredded remains of his clothes he shook his head in sadness.

» ser una tristezabe a sad pity .

Example: He's an awfully decent fellow, but it's a sad pity he's such a masher.

Tristeza synonyms

sorrow in spanish: dolor, pronunciation: sɑroʊ part of speech: noun unhappiness in spanish: infelicidad, pronunciation: ənhæpinɪs part of speech: noun sorrowfulness in spanish: tristeza, pronunciation: sɔroʊfʌlnəs part of speech: noun
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