Triste in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

triste = bleak ; sad ; sagging ; wistful ; depressing ; glum ; miserable ; morose ; doleful ; mournful ; plangent ; rueful ; cheerless. 

Example: The projections of qualified manpower into the year 2000 are bleak for personnel based industries = The projections of qualified manpower into the year 2000 are bleak for personnel based industries.Example: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.Example: It was obvious that Balzac's enthusiasm for the grant lifted his spirits up from their normal sagging state.Example: A wistful look appeared in his eyes as he lingered over memories of President Langeford.Example: Since 1963 they have produced their own bibliographic listings with various degrees of efficiency and comprehensiveness but usually with the same depressing tardiness in recording new publications which has so beset the UNDEX listings.Example: Children no less than adults are subject to fits of boredom, to times when they feel glum or restless when everything they usually enjoy lacks attraction, purpose or pleasure.Example: Sometimes of an evening, after my miserable journeyings through the day, I would stand for hours in the Strand, leaning against the shutters of a closed shop, and watching the compositors at work by gaslight on the opposite side of the way, upon a morning paper.Example: His limber writing consequentializes the inconsequential, and there is not one morose moment in his work, no hint of sourness.Example: This year will go down as the most depressing doleful Christmas I've ever had.Example: In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.Example: Around its shrouded summit the regal birds wheeled by the hundreds, their plangent wails and cackles echoing off the black volcanic slopes.Example: The final pages offer a lovely reflection -- at once rueful and wry -- on his own precocious gift.Example: Her work depicts mostly cheerless and melancholic worlds where the main character is in the center of mental conflicts, sometimes euphoric, sometimes psychotic.


» Caballero de la Triste Figura, elKnight of the Doleful Countenance, theKnight of the Rueful Countenance, the .

Example: The novel tells the story of a present day advertising executive who travels back in time and meets the Knight of the Doleful Countenance.

Example: The Knight of the Rueful Countenance, accompanied by his faithful squire, continued his never-ending journey through the centuries and continents.

» cara tristegrim face .

Example: I don't know about your garbage men but mine are rather huge guys with grim faces.

» caso tristesad story .

Example: If nothing else, the sad story of Dialog and the American Chemical Society may serve to chart the waters a little better for other organisations in the field.

» con cara tristesad-looking .

Example: The lone fruitmonger displayed baskets of sad-looking apples on a countertop, and didn't bother to announce them with a shout or a chant.

» de aspecto tristesad-looking .

Example: The lone fruitmonger displayed baskets of sad-looking apples on a countertop, and didn't bother to announce them with a shout or a chant.

» la triste realidad (del asunto) es quethe sad truth (of the matter) is that .

Example: The sad truth of the matter is that reference librarians have been unable to reach agreement on the blindingly simple proposition that their job is answering questions asked by users.

» la triste realidad es quethe sad fact is (that) .

Example: The sad fact is that the majority of web pages suffer this same ill fate.

» ponerse tristemopesulk .

Example: The problem is that my dog begins to mope/sulk (tail between legs, head low, body low, doesn't move) for long periods of times if I correct him.

Example: The problem is that my dog begins to mope/sulk (tail between legs, head low, body low, doesn't move) for long periods of times if I correct him.

» sentirse tristefeel + sad .

Example: We even react as though it were all happening to us by feeling sad or happy, frightened or angry, amused or scandalized, and so on.

» triste de admitirsad to relate .

Example: Of course the perceptive librarian is on the alert for signs of this reaction on the part of the reader, but, sad to relate, there are those who will be deterred by nothing short of a loud cry of 'Stop'.

» triste realidadfact of life .

Example: Even with the closest supervision some books will be lost through theft, a fact of life one must recognize and cope with.

» triste recordatoriopainful reminder .

Example: For some people class reunions act as a ritual of passage, while for others it may seems like a painful reminder of time marching on.

Triste synonyms

bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective melancholy in spanish: melancolía, pronunciation: melənkɑli part of speech: adjective, noun pensive in spanish: pensativo, pronunciation: pensɪv part of speech: adjective wistful in spanish: anhelante, pronunciation: wɪstfəl part of speech: adjective gloomy in spanish: melancólico, pronunciation: glumi part of speech: adjective wretched in spanish: desdichado, pronunciation: retʃɪd part of speech: adjective deplorable in spanish: deplorable, pronunciation: dɪplɔrəbəl part of speech: adjective nostalgic in spanish: nostálgico, pronunciation: nɔstældʒɪk part of speech: adjective sorry in spanish: lo siento, pronunciation: sɑri part of speech: adjective miserable in spanish: miserable, pronunciation: mɪzɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective bittersweet in spanish: agridulce, pronunciation: bɪtɜrswit part of speech: adjective, noun pitiful in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: pɪtəfəl part of speech: adjective tragic in spanish: trágico, pronunciation: trædʒɪk part of speech: adjective suffering in spanish: sufrimiento, pronunciation: sʌfɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun yearning in spanish: anhelo, pronunciation: jɜrnɪŋ part of speech: noun doleful in spanish: triste, pronunciation: doʊlfəl part of speech: adjective mournful in spanish: triste, pronunciation: mɔrnfəl part of speech: adjective unhappy in spanish: infeliz, pronunciation: ənhæpi part of speech: adjective depressing in spanish: deprimente, pronunciation: dɪpresɪŋ part of speech: adjective melancholic in spanish: melancólico, pronunciation: melənkɑlɪk part of speech: adjective lamentable in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: ləmentəbəl part of speech: adjective distressing in spanish: angustioso, pronunciation: dɪstresɪŋ part of speech: adjective lovesick in spanish: enfermo de amor, pronunciation: lʌvɪsɪk part of speech: adjective sadden in spanish: entristecer, pronunciation: sædən part of speech: verb homesick in spanish: nostálgico, pronunciation: hoʊmsɪk part of speech: adjective sorrowful in spanish: triste, pronunciation: sɑroʊfəl part of speech: adjective depressive in spanish: depresivo, pronunciation: dɪpresɪv part of speech: adjective tragicomic in spanish: tragicómico, pronunciation: trædʒɪkɑmɪk part of speech: adjective saddening in spanish: tristeza, pronunciation: sædənɪŋ part of speech: adjective tragical in spanish: trágico, pronunciation: trædʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective heavyhearted in spanish: corazón pesado, pronunciation: hevihɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective tragicomical in spanish: tragicomico, pronunciation: trædʒɪkɑmɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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