Triquiñuela in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

triquiñuela = wheeze ; rascally trick. 

Example: Last year's profits were more than halved, so the company has come up with a clever wheeze.Example: She taught me to love the Airedale breed especially for their rascally tricks and sense of humor.

triquiñuelas = chicanery. 

Example: With zeal, perseverance, charm, and even chicanery, they recruited and trained the 1st users.


» las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeñathe devil (is/lives) in the details .

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

Triquiñuela synonyms

fox in spanish: zorro, pronunciation: fɑks part of speech: noun magic in spanish: mágico, pronunciation: mædʒɪk part of speech: noun, adjective illusion in spanish: espejismo, pronunciation: ɪluʒən part of speech: noun joke in spanish: broma, pronunciation: dʒoʊk part of speech: noun caper in spanish: alcaparra, pronunciation: keɪpɜr part of speech: noun deception in spanish: engaño, pronunciation: dɪsepʃən part of speech: noun fob in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: fɔb part of speech: noun, verb prank in spanish: broma, pronunciation: præŋk part of speech: noun legerdemain in spanish: prestidigitación, pronunciation: ledʒɜrdəmeɪn part of speech: noun antic in spanish: grotesco, pronunciation: æntɪk part of speech: adjective, noun magic trick in spanish: truco de magia, pronunciation: mædʒɪktrɪk part of speech: noun conjuring trick in spanish: truco de magia, pronunciation: kɑndʒɜrɪŋtrɪk part of speech: noun fast one in spanish: uno rapido, pronunciation: fæstwʌn part of speech: noun
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