Tripular in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tripular = man ; drive ; crew. 

Example: The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.Example: Tomás Hernández drove cautiously in the torrential rain, trying not to swerve on the slick pavement of the turnpike.Example: This file contains information on the seamen who crewed the vessels, their ports of call and voyages.

Tripular synonyms

world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun piece in spanish: trozo, pronunciation: pis part of speech: noun human in spanish: humano, pronunciation: hjumən part of speech: adjective, noun humanity in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumænɪti part of speech: noun valet in spanish: ayudante de cámara, pronunciation: væleɪ part of speech: noun homo in spanish: homo, pronunciation: hoʊmoʊ part of speech: noun gentleman in spanish: Hidalgo, pronunciation: dʒentəlmən part of speech: noun mankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: mænkaɪnd part of speech: noun humans in spanish: humanos, pronunciation: hjumənz part of speech: noun humankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumənkaɪnd part of speech: noun human being in spanish: ser humano, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋ part of speech: noun serviceman in spanish: militar, pronunciation: sɜrvəsmæn part of speech: noun adult male in spanish: macho adulto, pronunciation: ədʌltmeɪl part of speech: noun human beings in spanish: seres humanos, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋz part of speech: noun human race in spanish: raza humana, pronunciation: hjumənreɪs part of speech: noun isle of man in spanish: Isla del hombre, pronunciation: aɪlʌvmæn part of speech: noun valet de chambre in spanish: valet de chambre, pronunciation: væleɪditʃæmbri part of speech: noun military personnel in spanish: personal militar, pronunciation: mɪləteripɜrsənel part of speech: noun military man in spanish: militar, pronunciation: mɪləterimæn part of speech: noun
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