Tripulación in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tripulación = crew ; crewman [crewmen, -pl.]. 

Example: Topics covered at the Conference included: records of shipbuilding and shipping companies; agreements and crew lists; whaling; and Royal Navy and Merchant Marine.Example: In his capacity as 'overseer of the deck' it was often necessary for the bosun to communicate with dozens of crewmen.


» formar parte de la tripulacióncrew .

Example: I have been invited to crew on a sailboat heading around the Middle East and into Africa.

» hacer de tripulacióncrew .

Example: I have been invited to crew on a sailboat heading around the Middle East and into Africa.

» miembro de la tripulacióncrew member .

Example: Crane operators and crew members may be electrocuted when they work near overhead power lines.

» tripulación de cabinacabin crew .

Example: Today's flight and cabin crews are much different than they were during the early years of commercial aviation.

» tripulación del aviónaircrew .

Example: The demanding aircrew tasks are characterised by the need for assimilation and interpretation of multi-sensor data to devise tactical responses.

» tripulación de vueloflight crew .

Example: Today's flight and cabin crews are much different than they were during the early years of commercial aviation.

Tripulación synonyms

gang in spanish: pandilla, pronunciation: gæŋ part of speech: noun crowd in spanish: multitud, pronunciation: kraʊd part of speech: noun bunch in spanish: manojo, pronunciation: bʌntʃ part of speech: noun work party in spanish: fiesta de trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrkpɑrti part of speech: noun
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