Triplicar in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

triplicarse = triple. 

Example: Circulation has increased, full-time staff has increased by 20, and floor space has almost tripled = Circulation has increased, full-time staff has increased by 20, and floor space has almost tripled.

triplicar = treble. 

Example: There is the possibility of doubling or trebling the communication outlets in the not too distant future.


» triplicarsetriple .

Example: Circulation has increased, full-time staff has increased by 20, and floor space has almost tripled = La circulación ha aumentado, el personal a tiempo completo se ha incrementando en 20 y el espacio físico disponible casi se ha triplicado.

Triplicar synonyms

multiple in spanish: múltiple, pronunciation: mʌltəpəl part of speech: adjective treble in spanish: triplicar, pronunciation: trebəl part of speech: adjective, noun ternary in spanish: ternario, pronunciation: tɜrneri part of speech: adjective threefold in spanish: triple, pronunciation: θrifoʊld part of speech: adjective triplex in spanish: triple, pronunciation: trɪpleks part of speech: adjective three-bagger in spanish: tres bolsas, pronunciation: θribægɜr part of speech: noun three-base hit in spanish: hit de tres bases, pronunciation: θribeɪsɪt part of speech: noun
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