Triple in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

triple = triple ; treble ; threeway ; triplet ; three pronged ; threefold. 

Example: Commercial techniques of marketing, management, and evaluation, may help librarians to face a triple challenge.Example: Rather than formulate compound headings double or treble entry under each of the subjects in the compound or under a class heading is preferred.Example: I & R manuals stress the importance of conference telephone facilities that enable threeway hook-ups to take place between client, I & R service and outside agency.Example: The indicator triplet: transience, renewal, and dynamism is used to describe the 'physical shape' of a national scientific community = The indicator triplet: transience, renewal, and dynamism is used to describe the 'physical shape' of a national scientific community.Example: Over the next 5 years, a three pronged strategy will be followed.Example: The rationale, then, for a separate chapter of this work devoted to the cataloguing of the works of corporate bodies is threefold.


» acristalamiento tripletriple glazing .

Example: Large glazed areas mean that users can enjoy natural daylight but double glazing or even triple glazing is necessary.

» por partida + doble/triple/etc.on + Número + counts .

Example: This opinion bothers me on two counts, one because it smacks of exploitation and, two, because a fair number of the world's leaders, for better or worse, were remarkably successful as leaders in spite of less than outstanding academic records.

» por partida triplethree times over .

Example: Scientists claim they've found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth's mantle so vast that could fill the Earth's oceans three times over.

» triple acristalamientotriple glazing .

Example: Large glazed areas mean that users can enjoy natural daylight but double glazing or even triple glazing is necessary.

» triple saltotriple jump .

Example: The author focuses on five sports in which women are relative newcomers: boxing, ski jumping, hammer throwing, triple jump and pole vault.

Triple synonyms

multiple in spanish: múltiple, pronunciation: mʌltəpəl part of speech: adjective treble in spanish: triplicar, pronunciation: trebəl part of speech: adjective, noun ternary in spanish: ternario, pronunciation: tɜrneri part of speech: adjective threefold in spanish: triple, pronunciation: θrifoʊld part of speech: adjective triplex in spanish: triple, pronunciation: trɪpleks part of speech: adjective three-bagger in spanish: tres bolsas, pronunciation: θribægɜr part of speech: noun three-base hit in spanish: hit de tres bases, pronunciation: θribeɪsɪt part of speech: noun
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