Trinar in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trinar = warble ; twitter. 

Example: The males are the ones who bob and bow and hop around, warbling all the while.Example: We passed by a cherry tree already in full blossom, though it was only March, and noticed the sound of skylarks twittering above our heads.


» estar que + trinarbe browned offbe brassed offbe furiousfume [Usado en sentido figurado para indicar enojo]foam at + the mouthfume with + angerfume with + rageseetheseethe with + angerseethe with + rage .

Example: In World War II parlance, they were probably 'browned-off,' but were certainly not lacking in spirit and loyalty.

Example: I'm sorry about the fact they were brassed off, but perhaps it was a natural consequence of the negativity over the past four months.

Example: You hurt her pride and her feelings and she's furious.

Example: Who has not had occasion to fume at the need to consult a large number of Official journals in order to reconstitute the current text of a particular regulation from all its amendments and corrigenda!.

Example: All of Washington is foaming at the mouth over the prospect of more pork-barrel spending.

Example: He uses his quirky wit and friendly banter to brighten people's mood when they are feeling low or fuming with anger.

Example: Some people, being excessively liverish, cannot refrain from fuming with rage and shouting abuse when they come across stories of injustice, ignorance and foul play in the newspapers.

Example: But Palestinian Arabs have learned that if they seethe publicly about anything, the world media will take them seriously.

Example: Seething with anger, hundreds of people yesterday came out on the roads waving banners, shouting slogans and waving their fists in the air, demanding justice.

Example: Most Iraqis I speak with nowadays are seething with rage towards the occupiers of their country.

» estar que trinarbe raging mad .

Example: So maybe I'm not raging mad but a bit miffed I would have to admit.

Trinar synonyms

shake in spanish: sacudir, pronunciation: ʃeɪk part of speech: verb, noun quaver in spanish: temblor, pronunciation: kweɪvɜr part of speech: noun warble in spanish: trino, pronunciation: wɔrbəl part of speech: noun, verb
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